Public Freak

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Ghost promised to take you out to dinner for your birthday, but is already a few minutes late. You're about to call him, when a motorbike rounds the corner and speeds down the street. The bike comes to a stop a few feet from you and when the biker pulls the helmet off you're greeted by a familiar skull balaclava.

"What are you doing out, love?" Ghost asks as he gets off the bike. "You should've waited inside and not come out until I was here."

"Didn't expect you to be late," you tease lightly, not genuinely upset with him. Not when he looks that fine with his bike.

Ghost crosses the short distance between you two. "Sorry for being late," Ghost murmurs as he pulls you in by your waist. "Got stuck in traffic."

He pulls his balaclava up just enough so his lips are visible and kisses you. "Happy birthday, darling."

I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him back softly, leaning backwards as i let myself melt into his arms before pulling away "At this rate we wont make it to the reservation at all, let alone leave the house tonight" i teased.

Ghost hums in approval, resting his hands on your hips and squeezing lightly. "Would that be such a bad thing?" he teases right back, gently pulling you closer to him so your chests almost touch. His eyes roam slowly over your body and taking in your appearance, a pleased rumble leaving his chest. "You look stunning, love."

"And you do too in that suit of clean up well Simon" i say softly, resting my hand on his chest.

"Anything for you, love." His hands roams over your back, tracing your spine slowly. Ghost's eyes are a little darker than usual, filled with an almost primal hunger as look into your eyes. "You picked that dress to tease me, didn't you darling?" he asks, knowing the answer already.

I raised a brow "Is it working?"

He Growls, the sound low and possessive. "Oh it's working alright." His hands lower, moving over your hips to your thighs. "You look so perfect in this." Ghost's head dips to your shoulder, his teeth nibbling against the exposed skin of your collarbone. "Like you're begging to be ruined."

"Then yes i did wear it to tease you" i laughed "Come on Simon we need to leave before we get late"

Ghost groans, pressing his face against your shoulder as he tries to focus. "Bloody hell, darling."

He takes a deep breath before finally taking a step back. Ghost is visibly affected and is trying to maintain some level of control. "Let's go then."

Ghost climbs onto the motorbike and pats the seat behind him. "Better hold on tight, love."

"Will do" i smiled as i hopped on behind him, letting my arms squeeze just below his waist "What you waiting for?"

Ghost can feel your body press against his and your arms around his waist make him growl softly again. You're so close and smell amazing, Ghost wants nothing more than to throw you back in the house and forget about dinner. But he made a promise to you and is determined to keep it.

"I'm holding onto what little restraint I have right now, love." Ghost answers honestly, twisting his head to look back at you briefly.

"I know" i say as we set off, half way through the journey, i let one hand travel lower and lower, the other rest on the inside of his thigh "Simon" i said in a sing song voice "How long?"

Ghost was focusing on the road, his eyes locked firmly on the surrounding traffic. Until you started to tease him.

Ghost grips the handles of the bike a little tighter as he feels your hand move down his body. The feel of your breath against his ear when you spoke made a shiver run up his spine.

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