Inconveniences and wandering thoughts-(3534)

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Simon had always had boundaries from his trauma, and sometimes it was easy to forget. You and Simon were laying on the couch, watching a movie. Your hand was resting on his lower stomach underneath his shirt, and you playfully slid it up, stopping it just on his ribcage.

You didn't even have time to realise your mistake before he quickly pulled away and grabbed your wrist. "God- fuck. I told you not to touch my goddamn ribs!" He yelled, evidently in a panic. His ribs were off limits entirely.

"I....shit, fuck im sorry, i forgot" i say looking down slightly ashamed that i had forgotten something that was so important to him.

"Jesus, Y/N." He sighed, but the anger was replaced with concern now that you showed you weren't purposely trying to make him upset. "it'll be was an accident. Just- don't...touch them. I know it's hard to forget but you gotta.." He said with his head now resting on your shoulder.

"Im sorry" i whispered again "I didn't mean to honestly, i swear" i mumble into his hair.

"It's's alright...I know it was just a slip up. I know you didn't mean to." His voice was soft and he slowly scooted himself closer to you. Simon seemed to want to comfort you now too, his voice becoming soothing and his breath warm and tender now that he knew you weren't purposely trying to upset or hurt him.

I flung my arms around him as i squeezed my eyes shut "I swear it wont happen again" i say feeling like shit, how could i forget.

He smiled softly when you wrapped your arms around him and hugged you tightly. "I know it was just a small happens." He said, his voice still calming now that both of you weren't as upset. "I know it won't happen again, you wouldn't purposely hurt me. It's okay, really." he brushed his fingers through the ends of your hair and the two of you remained that way for a few moments before Simon started lightly kissing the side of your neck and hair.

"I love you Simon" i whispered "Im sorry" i say again not being able to help it.

"I love you too, Y/N." Simon continued to kiss you, his hands tracing your back now with a touch of affection. His lips were soft and he ran them up your neck, his nose brushing against your cheek before he started to nibble your earlobe a bit. A soft sigh escaped him as he did this, a sense of comfort spreading through you both as his lips worked their way back down to your neck and he started to kiss there as well.

"Did i-" i shut my mouth refraining from finishing the sentence "Nevermind"

"What? Say it." Simon mumbled with his lips now on your neck again. It wasn't long before he was kissing your neck again, a low groan of pleasure escaping him as a hand found it's way under your shirt. The other one stayed behind your back, tracing a pattern along your spine with one finger in the form of a light scratch. "You're so cute.." he whispered.

i smiled softly against his chest "Are you okay? i mean like i didnt trigger or cause anything did i?" i asked quietly.

"I mean, not really actually. You were just trying to be affectionate and you made a little mistake with touching my ribs.." Simon paused to whisper one more kiss on your neck before he spoke again, "You triggered a bit of a bad memory but you didn't trigger an actual, y'know, flashback or something."He let out one last kiss on your neck before he stopped kissing you, though he did keep his lips resting against your skin.

"Im sorry" i say again ashamed with myself, mentally scolding myself over and over, repeating to not touch that area like a mantra in my head "Im sorry"

"Stop it." He said, his voice turning stern as he pulled away and looked into your eyes. "Don't apologize again, okay? You didn't know. You didn't intentionally do it. It's fine." Simon paused to sigh, realizing you were still repeating this and feeling more ashamed each time you did it. He pulled you in for a tight hug, not letting go until you relaxed. "Shh...I love you." He whispered.

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