Cold Shoulder (1008)

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One week ago, on a mission, you ignored your lieutenants orders to stay back and ended up with broken ribs after a fistfight with cartel members.

During recovery you spent a lot of time training and doing paperwork.

Ghost was mad at you and had been giving you silent treatment ever since.

One night you were in the gym, punching a punching bag, you mumbled "fuckin' lieutenant" just as a strong hand grabbed your shoulder, "say that again, sergeant" Ghost growled into your ear.

"fuck-in Lieu-ten-ant" i say pronouncing every syllable

His eyes narrowed and he spun you around and pinned you against the wall, his face inches from yours, "say that one more time."

His breath was hot on your neck and shoulder, his grip tight enough to cause some pain but not to much, a perfect balancing between dominance and control.

"ouch that hurt, my ribs are still very much injured" i winced


His voice was low and growling he let go and stepped back, letting you lean up against the wall, but he stayed in your personal space.

He looked at you up and down, like he was analysing you for flaws. "You want to keep complaining about minor injuries or do you want to get back to work?"

"i wasn't complaining bout minor injuries" i rolled my eyes

"My mistake," he replied dryly, "I thought the whinnying was coming from you."

He pushed off the wall and motioned you to follow him, "come on, we got work to do."

"pendejo" i mumbled as i pushed myself off the wall with much vigour.

"Come again, sergeant."

His glare was cold and unrelenting he seemed to almost be daring you to repeat yourself.

His hand raised, ready to give you a few more bruises if you didn't watch your mouth, but you had a feeling he wouldn't stop with just a few, he was already mad about the previous week's insubordination.

"your giving me the cold shoulder for weeks and now all of a sudden we're talking your a fuckin pendejo for ignoring me like that ghost" i said with full honesty, anger and perplexity lacing my voice.

The hand that was on its way to land hard on your cheek suddenly stopped a few inches away, "you know this is why I ignored you? I was trying to do the mature thing and let things go, but it looks like you still wanted that attention.

"You have no idea what I was dealing with, you can't possibly know how much I despised you for what you did, and frankly, I'm still pissed."

He let out a low growl, "you really want to keep running your mouth?"

"i saved the fuckin mission" i scoffed "if i didnt pull in last minute you'd all be dead but no your too prideful to admit that shit" i spat at him shoving him harshly

Your shove was unexpected and caught Ghost off guard, he stumbled back, and his fists clenched.

The growl in his voice was no longer low and controlled, "you shoved me. Did you really just shove me?"

"I'll do fuckin more than that if you dont tell me why the fuck you was ignoring me and i dont want some shit ass excuse i want a real reason" i say stepping forward as to push him again.

"You really want to know the truth?"

His voice was still raw and aggressive and he was clenching his jaw, his eyes never left you for a second.

"You really want me to tell you my true feelings for the last week? Are you sure? Cause your not going to like the answer."

"you know i hate liars" i said "the truth now"

Ghost's mouth tightened and he took a breath before leaning into you, your personal space completely invaded, the heat from his breath brushing against your ears.

"I really hated you for the last week, I hated every second of ignoring you and I hated every part of my body that was screaming at me to forgive you and move on. I hated you so much but I hated myself more, so you tell me, do you still want the truth, sergeant?"

"more than fuckin ever lieutenant" i say sarcastically, my eyes boring into his.

"Alright then I'll give you the whole truth."

His breath was still hot on your ears, his eyes still on fire, "I hated you so much I wanted nothing more then to pin you down and kiss you until you were begging me to stop."

Then he backed away suddenly, his stance back to the stoic, stern and cold lieutenant he was a minute ago, "now are you happy with the truth?"

"I-i" i was most definitely at loss for words "wh-wha-?"

"I believe that that is the first time I've seen you speechless," his voice sounded low and teasing , i could almost feel a smirk radiating off of him from under his mask.

"But you really wanted to know my true feelings during that time, so I gave you my true feelings, I hope your satisfied."

"i uh...i dont know what to say i uhm... i-"

"Are the words just escaping you, or are those feelings you can't put into words?"

He was smirking even more now and his voice was getting closer to you again, "or did you want to know the truth until the truth was a little more than you expected?"

"Ghost!" i shrieked slightly flustered as i shrank into the wall, i wanted nothing more than to hide.

One of his huge arms came around my waist and pinned me against the wall, his body looming above yours, his breath still on your neck, you felt his hand tighten around your waist, "what's wrong? I just gave you my honest feelings.

"You really thought you could handle that?"

His body pressed into yours, his breath was hot on your neck, he was still smirking at you, waiting for you to say something.

His grip on you tightened and you could feel his other arm start to come around you, "so I guess the only question is.." his voice went low and husky and his breath became faster, "what are you going to do now, with the information I just gave you?"

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