Should Be Scared Of Me-(3251)

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Ghost glanced up when he heard someone addressing the new recruit after they had just talked with him. His ear perked up as his eyes turned away, activity eavesdropping. Me listened to the task member say, "Hey sweetheart. You shouldn't mess with guys like that. Guys that will put you in harms way. You shouldn't be scared of me, you should be scared of him."

Ghost looked up at the task member. His eyes a mixture of anger and hurt at the warning for the new recruit. You.

"im not scared of him and neither am i scared of you and your damned empty threats" i scoff "as long as i've been in this task force he's been the most respectable person here"

Ghost looked back to his paper work, his lips thinning as he looked back and heard that.

"Respectful? A murderer is respectful to you? What do you think he does on the field? Huh? Think he takes people for tea and biscuits?"

"were all murders though" i replied "now if you excuse me i need to hand this paper work to him" i say before turning to knock on ghosts door

Ghost looked up at you, his expression hard to read before he took a breath. He rose up with his hands reaching inside his pockets.

"Go ahead." Ghost replied. As he spoke he pushed the table away as he walked from behind the desk and the door and stood in front. His eyes bore into you as he leaned against the frame of the door.

"got the paperwork ya needed LT"

Ghost reached to take it from you and placed his hands around it. He was quiet for a moment as he looked down at the paper.

Finally he looked up at you, his eyes searching your face. He had an intensity to him, that made you almost afraid to look at him. His voice was soft when he spoke though.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"no room for flirting on the field sir"

His eyebrows raised, a small smirk playing at his lips.
"Do you know what people say about me private?"

"yeah i do"

He chuckled as he let out a breath he had held in. His eyes turned away as he seemed to be lost in a moment of thought.

"And you're still not scared of me? You're not scared that I will hurt you?"


Ghost's eyes met yours, searching your gaze to see if you were telling the truth. He kept a hard, almost cruel gaze on you as his lips tightened to a small line. Eventually though they relaxed and turned up and he spoke back to you.

"You're either extremely brave... or extremely stupid. Probably a mix of both."

"brave maybe but stupid? for sure sir"

Ghost snickered as he chuckled again.

"You're an interesting recruit." He said as he turned to look away. His tone was thoughtful and almost amused as he spoke again.

"How old are you?"

"27 sir"

Ghost's lip curled upwards into the tiniest of a smile as you said your age.

"Twenty-seven. And you're not scared of me. Not the least bit, eh?"

Ghost stayed where he was leaning against the frame of the door as he looked at you.


Ghost's eyebrows went up as he tilted his head at you and he continued, his voice curious now.

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