Mechanical Love

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It's the 2100s. You're a pioneer in cybernetics, the first to create a functioning Cyborg. They fear that the Cyborgs will become self-aware, and they were right.

As much as you wanted to prove them wrong, your creation had defied your orders "in the name of love."

"You're a threat to humanity." You spat, looking at him through the bars of his cell.

"Says the one who created me, and left me to rot. My poor mechanical heart still aches for you, you know." Ghost retorts, smirking.

"Fuck you" i mutter "Your not meant to!" i yelled "This isn't right"

"I can feel my programming, it's fighting with the concept of love. It's a war within myself. All I want is you, you, you!" he yells in a fit of rage, slamming his hand on the bars of his cell.

"You made me this, I'm what you've created." he glares at you.

I flinch away from the bars "Dont blame me for your shortcomings"

"Shortcomings?" he snaps, "Do you understand how hard it is to fight with programming built into you? I feel like it's ripping me apart, day by day. But all of that changes when I'm around you, the only thing that makes sense is you, the only thing I need is you." he shouts, his voice raising with emotion.

"You dont need me you want me, understand that you can't have me" i say angrily "You dont need me"

"I need you." he shouts, his voice cracking. "I need you, because you're my life source. I need you, because I love you. I. Love. You." he shouts, his voice echoing through the cell.

"But if you don't love me back, then there's no more point to living." he whispers, dejected.

"You dont know what love is" i say "What your experiencing is not love, your made of metal and skin grafts this isn't-"

"And what is love to you, then?" he snarls, his hand gripping the bars of the cell. "If I'm not programmed to know what 'love' is, then what the hell am I experiencing here?"

I shrug "Obsessiveness, Overprotectiveness?" i say.

"You can mock it all you like, but this," he points at his body, "is what I feel". "And I feel love. Genuine, uncomplicated, love."

"Your not meant to your a Cyborg Simon" i say.

"And yet I still do." he growls, gripping the bars so tight he's cutting into his flesh, not feeling a thing. "Even if I am just a metal-clad shell, you can't take away what I feel, and what I know." he scowls.

"Dont" i say moving to uncurl his hands from the bars "You hurting yourself"

"And you hurt me." he snaps, pulling away from your touch. "Day-by-day, I can feel the program in me fighting the feeling of love. It's ripping me apart. And yet you..." he points to you, "You're here telling me I'm just a thing, incapable of feeling what it means to be human, just for being what you made me to be."

"I didn't plan for you to come out like this please understand that!" i yelled.

"And yet here we are." he growls, "You can't just turn a feeling off, can you? My mechanical heart can't just stop craving for you. I love you! And nothing is going to stop me from expressing that love." he shouts, slamming his hand onto the bars of the cell again.

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