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Posted on a snow covered mountain for a recon mission, Ghost joins you in the small tent to get some rest. You've been fighting the cold for the past four hours, your body struggling to generate enough heat to stay warm. Even wrapped in your sleeping bag, you continue to shiver.

"Come here." Ghost looks to you as he speaks, reaching out and tugging you over to him. He wraps his arms around you in an attempt to provide some warmth.
"Don't need you freezing to death on me."

"Im not going to freeze to death i'll be fine" i huffed trying to create some distance.

Ghost stares down at you for a moment, eyes peering through the holes in his balaclava and over his gloves and then he sighs. He looks away and shifts slightly, letting go, allowing you to move away if you'd like. 

He doesn't think you will freeze to death, but being comfortable is important too.

"You'll freeze and complain." Is his sarcastic reply.

"No i wont. Im a big girl" i mutter sarcastically before slowly turning to face him.

"Oh really now? Well then, come here and prove it," Ghost counters, offering you a small smirk. He shifts slightly again, not in a position to pull you over like before, but in a way that makes it clear you can come by choice or not. 

He's not forcing you to come back to him. In a way, he'd love to see if you'll actually prove him wrong and resist him.

I stuck my tongue out at him in a playful manner before closing my eyes not bothering to move any more closer to him.

Ghost stares at you for a moment, unsure of what to do now if you're not going to come to him. It isn't long before he grows bored of waiting for you to move and he chuckles. "Guess you're really not going to move," he says.

Ghost glances to the other side where the tent wall and sleeping bag are. "Bet you'll complain by morning then."

"Fuck you simon" i mutter flicking his forehead.

Ghost flinches slightly, taken aback by the sudden flick. After all these years of working together, you've gotten plenty good at catching him off guard.

"You wish you could, Y/N," he shoots back.

"Only in my dreams" i retort cheekily as i grin opening my eyes slightly.

Ghost's gaze meets yours and he can see the teasing glint in your eyes from the light the snow shines through into the tent. The two have spent too long pretending to dislike each other to ignore the subtle flirting between them.

"At least you admit it. That's the first step," he teases back, returning your grin.

"Your annoying" i pout "at this point i think you want me to cuddle with you just so you can touch me, dont deny it"

Ghost's eyes flicker and narrow a bit, but it isn't because he's upset or denying what you say. In fact, you are quite right. His smirk grows just a little bit more and he seems to consider his answer.

"Can a man not want just a little more from his 'team mate'?" he asks, adding air quotes to his words.

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