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A mission went south and you had been separated from your Lieutenant, being forced to hide in a small room to escape the enemies. Screams of terror, the sound of gun shots and the breaking of bones was soon heard. The walls were painted red, along with your Lieutenants uniform. He'd gone to hell and back, for you. He'd do anything to protect his rookie. well you weren't a rookie anymore....but still.

 He took a few steps toward you before dropping to his knees in front of you, closing his eyes as you cupped his face in your hands.

I breathed in and out slowly, my eyes hysterical "you okay?" i breathe out "your not hurt are you?"

He nods his head slowly, the balaclava he was wearing covered in blood. His hands shook slightly as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight and protective embrace. A few seconds of silence before he spoke. 

"I'm fine" his accent still thick. "You?" he looks down at you with genuine concern.

"yeah yeah just fine" i breathe out hugging him tighter "you sure your fine?"

He nods his head once more before kissing your forehead. You felt your entire body relax as your mind was at ease. 

"Yeah" he whispers, "I'm fine." His thumb brushed across your cheek, your eyes met with his as you lost yourself in them.

"were still not safe here though" i whispered "and please dont tell me all that blood is yours"

He shook his head "Not me" looking at the trail of blood behind him. 

"Follow me." He leads you to another room, shutting and locking the door. With a sigh he pulls the balaclava off, leaving bloody hand prints on his head. 

You could see a bullet wound on his shoulder and countless other scars across his body.

"fuck you got hit" i say grabbing my first aid kit out of my bag "you stupid idiot you should have told me!" i exclaimed now worried as fuck.

He leans against the wall before sitting down, not saying a thing in case he angered you, or worse worried you.

 You go to his shoulder, carefully examining it before taking out antiseptic, a few bandages and a pair of tweezers. He doesn't flinch when you pull the bullet out of the shoulder, nor does he say anything. 

He gently takes the tweezers back and examines it, "That was a close one" He smiles, "Now I get to see your medical skills too."

i roll my eyes before mumbling a small "sorry" i released a deep breathe "You okay though?" i whispered.

"I'm fine" he says, taking your hand and squeezing it gently. The grip tightened for a second before letting go. You felt your heart skip a beat as he did that.

"You are a good medic, keep it up." He smiles warmly at you.

"fuck you get me worried sometimes" i say playfully swatting the back of his head "thats for giving me a heart attack"

He grins at you before chuckling a bit. Slowly he pulls you closer to him, his arm wrapped around your waist. 

For a moment he was silent before he spoke again "Thank you rookie." He whispers, your body touching his "I wouldn't of lasted if it wasn't for you."

i roll my eyes "im not a rookie no more simon" i complained

"Maybe to other soldiers." He chuckled back, not letting go of you. "But to me, you're still a rookie, and I won't have anything happening to you." He looks up at you before adding "Rookie or not your mine Luv" his voice was gentle and low.

i giggled completely forgetting we were still in danger i laid my head against his chest "you fuckin scare me sometimes you know you need to stop getting hurt" i whined

You felt your head grow heavy against his chest. His fingers brushing your hair, your body pressed against his. He let out a sigh as you leaned against him.

 It was hard for you to remember what the mission was now, your mind blank as you listened to his steady heartbeat. 

He was alive. You were alive. He was fine. You were fine.

"im real tired ya know" i yawn

"We should get some sleep." He suggested quietly.

One of his fingers brushed against your cheek "It's safe." You were unsure about sleeping on a mission, but with him there your mind was eased.

"you sure?" i mumbled sleepily

He nods his head. "I'll keep watch." He smiled at you, his thumb caressing your cheek. You felt your lids grow even heavier, you were safe here. With him you'd always be safe.

"Go to sleep"

"I love you simon" i mumbled.

"I love you too Y/N"

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