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Your and Ghost's relationship was not always easy so you decided to break up and let each go his own way

It had now passed 5 months after your break up you had different places of operation and thus you did not know how the other is and what the other does

But it was hard for you, you miss him unbelievably

Now you were back in Task Force 141 also Ghost

But when you saw each other again for the first time, Ghost looked at you as if you were a stranger for him

i looked up at him blankly he was a stranger now we had no past no nothing he was...i was....we weren't.... i exhaled slowly.

Get a grip of yourself Y/N for fucks sake.

Ghost turns around, ignoring you. As if you were a complete stranger

He walks past you and continues with his business

i scoff to myself "cabron" i mutter

Ghost stops and looks at you, he stares at you for a few seconds. The seconds seem like years. And then he moves on

"wow" i mumble "what an absolute bastard" i mutter...maybe he had someone new maybe he had another partner maybe he really did move on

You couldn't stop thinking about why he ignored you, did he really move on or did he already have a new partner 

You wanted to find out if he already had a partner and if he had then who it was

"Lieutenant" i called out, my voice shaky and unsure.

Ghost stops and turns towards you

He stares at you for a few seconds and says nothing

i stared back at him my breathing pattern irregular as i spoke, my voice Shakey "did you move on?"

Ghost remains silent and stares at you. The air between you is thick. He stares at you for a second more and then nods his head a little bit, indicating that he had moved on

Ghost did not say another word, he turns away from you and continues with whatever he was doing. It was so quick, he had moved on without hesitation, without even showing an emotion

i walked away to my room and shut the door he did move on he doesn't care about me anymore but i still do

You were sad, you still had feelings for him despite him moving on without you. You just couldn't let go off him so you had to deal with the fact that you couldn't date him anymore and that he didn't have any feelings for you. It was sad, you had to figure out how to get over him

i sighed as i lay in bed listening to the silence

You were lost in your thoughts again. Thoughts of him and how he had moved on. The fact that he is no longer with you. It was making your mind go completely blank

The only sound you can hear is the silence around you

it was late at night and i was starting to feel hungry, i had already changed into my nighties which was basically an oversized off shoulder t-shirt and some shorts, walking out i made my way to the kitchen

The base was quiet as usual and everyone was asleep at that hour and the kitchen was empty as you walked in. The kitchen was quiet as usual as you walked there to make some food. The kitchen was dark and the only light illuminating the room was coming from the fridge. As you enter the kitchen, the light switch was right to the door so you reached over and switched on the light. The light came on, the room lit up and as soon as you saw yourself in the reflection on the microwave, you stopped mid-step

"ghost?" i called out "is that you?"

You heard someone clear their throat behind you and when you turned around, you froze

"oh" i said coldly "It is you" i turned back, walking to the fridge

Ghost was standing right behind you. The two of you were so close that you could felt his body's warmth but he said nothing

"you gonna speak orrr just stare?"

He remained silent and didn't speak, his face remained blank. His eyes were still glued to you, he was staring at you

"alright totally not creepy at all" i mumbled before grabbing out a few snacks

As you were gathering your snack, Ghost continued to stare at you. At no point whatsoever, did he break eye contact with or said anything to you. He just kept staring at you with his blank expression

"what do you want?"

Ghost finally broke his silence and said one thing "I want you" He spoke in a low voice so that no one else could hear him. The air between the two of you became thick and you couldn't even speak for a moment.

"but i thought you moved on" i whispered

He was silent for a moment before he finally replied "I did.. but I can't get you out of my mind and I've tried everything to remove you from my head but I couldn't"

"are you being honest with me simon? no games no lies?" i say taking a step forward

He looks at you, his eyes are filled with honesty and honesty only. He was not playing around with you, he was being completely honest. You could see the pain in his eyes, the pain and the hurt

"I'm not playing any games, I am being completely honest and I promise you there will only be honesty between us from now on" As he spoke these sweet words, he takes another step closer to you

"Fuck I love you Y/N i still do"

"I-i love you too simon"

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