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Albedo pov

The bell rings and I start to pack up my stuff before kaeya passes me some of my stuff "thanks " I put the stuff in my bag. I watch kaeya smirk at me before walking towards the door with a lot of girls waiting for him as he leaves. I walk out behind home and here the girls swooning over him but I just sound them out and head to the library. I always bring my own lunch and I don't like how crowded the cafeteria is and they only person ever in the library is I think her name is Lisa but that's because she volunteers there I haven't ever actually talked to her.

I take a quick detour to my locker to pick up my lunchbox since I realised I left it there . I pick up my lunch before entering the library I walk over to my usual seat and place my lunch on the desk and pull out my headphones and right before I put them on a pair of tan hands snatches them from behind. I turn around and see Kaeya he walks around and sits on the chair in front of me " didn't know you would be her blondie"

"Albedo " I say in an annoyed tone cause that nickname he uses for me I hate it he has been calling me that for years now and no matter how hard I try he won't stop " what aren't you in the cafeteria isn't that where all the popular guys hang out and what about your fan girls won't they be missing you " I say before I tuck into my lunch

"Well my friends are all on a trip for the German class and really I would like to get away from them I don't ask for the girls to be fauwning all over me " he lost his typical smirk as he talked and I haven't ever seen him like that and it made me feel funny

"Isn't your family German why don't you take the class for the easy A"

"Well yeah but I'm adopted so I only know basic conversational they didn't force me to learn it unlike you and since most off the class are actually German and speak it fluently already I didn't bother and you can't say much aren't you German too" he regains his typical grin and leans one arm on the desk and has his face against his hand

"I wanted a challenge so I took Latin like you " I continue to eat my food before I noticed Kaeya pull out a sub it looked like the ones from the cafeteria

"You said you don't like the girls swooning over you why if you are always flirting with them ?"

He sits back up straight and places his hands on the table " where did everybody get the idea I was flirting yeah I may say thinks slightly playfully but I'm not flirting well, not actually flirting cause I like them. When I started here a lot of girls would be nice to me wanting to get to know me and I was just was doing the standard thing of being nice back it wasn't until my friends pointed it outthat they where that those girls wanted to date anf because they are dillusional me just being nice they would go to the friends and blab about "oh kaeya said that my idea was so interesting he must like me " ughhh...."

Kaeya slumps back down in the chair his sudden tangent over and he looks really mad but doesn't seem to be at me more the girls he was talking about which does seem pretty understandable people are misinterpreting his feelings which even if it isn't in a serious way I still feel kinda bad ... I have hated this guy most of my life and here he goes making me feel bad for him twice in one day.

I pull out my sketchbook and lean it on my legs and I go back to the practicing hands. I look up and see Kaeya rip off the tinfoil before taking a bite of his sandwich before he speaks back up.

"Since when do you spend lunches in the library blondie?" He taps his fingers against  table occasionally his rings hit it to making a loud sound this makes me look over and when I do I start to pay attention to his clothes he was wearing a pair of grey trousers with a black button up shirt with the last few buttons undone he was wearing a silver necklace and matching watch and jewelry.
Now that I think about it Kaeya always was dressed nicely and he always had on an excessive amount of jewellery having at least four rings for each hand I think about this while I respond to his question

"I always eat in here the better question is when do you eat in here cause I have never seen you here " I take the final bite of my food packing it away before returning to my sketch

"At least twice a week but I tend to sit in the history of war section but Lisa told me I was a safety hazard because despite the fact this tends to my escape from popularity apparently a few people would be blocking the emergency exit so they could watch me through I window so instead I sat in the main area and then I saw you walk by and I thought I would say hello " he leans back in his chair as he speaks before scrunching the tinfoil into a ball and passing it from one hand to the other .

"Well now I kinda understand why you would want an escape" I mumble still focused on my drawing before I look up at him

"Why are you talking to me like we are friends..." I watch him place the ball down and place his hands on his knees

"Well are "little" rivalry is null and void " he did air quotations with his fingers as he said little before returning to speaking.
"And I was bored and you don't care for popularity so it ment we could have a civil conversation no issues"

I place my pencil down and look at him "yeah out rivalry is void temporarily but doesn't automatically make us friends "

He moves his hands as he talks
"True but wouldn't it be nice to see for the next four weeks how it would be like if we where friends " he says this with a smile and not his typical smirk, his smile was very endearing.

"Oh so now you want to end the rivalry you started "

"I did not start it "

"Yeah you did, 5th grade you came up to me asked me what I got in the maths test all smugly until I told you I got 100% you then ask me my result every single test until you get higher then me then you shout loudly across the playground " me and albedo are enemies in tests now " and you stormed off"

I laughed as I spoke remembering the story I look at Kaeya's face and the embarrassment was obvious.
"I never did that "

"Ask Diluc you then ran over to him sad that I did better then you "

"Fine maybe I did start it but still come on I was 10 cut me some slack blondie...." I can't help but smile at his stupid response before the bell rings. I start to pack up my  stuff when Kaeya speaks up again

"Well we don't have to be friends let alone be friendly but~ ... We just spent the entire break talking and I haven't seen you smile so much ever and from what sucrose has told me she doesn't see you smile either so~ maybe you should think about it blondie " he walks out of the library throwing his tinfoil across the room into the bin he says bye to Lisa and then I watch the door close over

Academic Rivals: Kaeya x AlbedoWhere stories live. Discover now