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Albedo Pov

I walked into the auditorium not really focused on where I was going when I walked into bags off white feathers " did a bird die in here or something" I awkwardly got out off the pile and tied the bags up before Venti popped up " they go with the theme and no there artificial " he sneezed " was there a cat in here or something ugh" he walked away sniffling into a tissue

I had made my way to one off the tables which had been pulled out just for people to work on and I was going over what had arrived and what still had yet to come "Why is Venti here I thought it was only student council?" I asked Jean as she was doing something " well he made the plan so he is here for that" Amber came over with a box " He is kinda like our liaison he claimed it's what people wanted but no one really cared but everyone's hyped about it. I don't know how he came up with it though "

Amber shook the box " do either off you want help me figure out who's currently winning?" I looked at the box as Eula walked over with another one " I thought you guys did it online so why count them manually?" Eula sat down on one of the chairs "yeah well someone kept coming in with a handful off written votes that people gave him in the hallway " she groaned before anyone else could voice there opinions she spoke again" speak off the devil" I turned to see Kaeya come in carrying some boxes before he dumped them near the entrance and he joined the rest off us at the table "hey blondie" he kissed my forehead before giving a general " hey " to the rest off the table as he leaned on the back off my chair

"Ohh are those the votes can I see?" He smirked as he looked at the boxes before his hopes were crushed by Jean " you and I can't everyone else can but we are in the running so we have to be impartial" she didn't even look up from what she was doing not really focused on what was going on around the table " Come on I wanna know, if you don't tell me I'll just get it from blondie over here " Kaeya snuggled up against me " I won't tell you " I smirked at him and he got off of me and dramatically touched his chest muttering on about betrayal before he sat in one of the free chairs backwards as the group laughed at Kaeya not getting what he wants

Jean closed her laptop and stood up as Venti approached the table and choosing to sit on the floor "okay so as the student council and Venti" Venti smiled "ehe~" Jean coughed before she resumed "as I was saying, we are in charge off making sure this event goes well we are in the final stretch off all this and it's all about making sure we have everything ready. Albedo what do we still need to get that is not arriving closer to the date "

I flicked through the tabs on my laptop "we still need table cloths since it turns out no one knows where the ones from last year are, a list off what teachers will be supervising and props?" I had seen  it on the list but I never exactly what they were for " oh oh the art department are making them and the bigger ones are being made by shop class" Amber stood up as she spoke

(Idk what you actually do in shop class I just based it of my woodwork class and that one episode in bones where she goes to her highschool reunion so you can correct me since idk what I'm talking about)

"Yeah I saw them yesterday they look really cool but I don't know how the smaller ones are going but they will look so cute in the photo booth, I can't wait to take photos on the night " Venti smiled up as he spoke it felt awkward looking down at him but he chose to sit on the floor when there was more then enough chairs for him to sit down he also wasn't paying that much attention to us

"Well okay that isn't to bad " we continued to talk about the plans as Amber and Eula counted the few paper votes and adding them too the digital total there was a thing off there being more votes then M block students so Jean and Kaeya were in the corner writing the names off everyone they rember giving them votes so Amber could later check which one off those use there emails to send in two votes. Venti finally joined the table by sitting on it, was he incapable off sitting like a normal person

"So~ Venti what made you come up with this theme it is kinda a weird one " Amber chirped up as she was glueing feathers to vase's " like I couldn't find any good inspo when I just googled it straight up "  Venti was checking if the fairy lights still worked from previous years " well I was just looking at things and it was just white and gold originally and it kind of just happened but it's so fun I actually can't believe Jean let me help" Eula was tying gold ribbons around the vases after Amber finished with them

"Well Jean isn't going to complain your pretty much acting in Kaeya's place he's only useful when it benefits him so he has been like talking to a wall until he got a date " I looked up and the eyes were on me "he would have went with somebody what's the difference that it's me " Venti snickered and leaned over to me " oh come on Albedo he is smitten he keeps glancing over at you and then Jean is telling him to finish his list it's like a loop starts every time he looks over " he glanced over at Kaeya who was staring at me and then Jean hit his knee and he went back to writing

"But you two are really cute though what are you guys wearing though and who you going with Venti" I knew eventually it would end up with them talking about the actual night which really was not his kind of talk but he should probably indulge the conversation if it turns back to me "Well I'm dragging Xiao to it.... Is it dragging him if we are dating ehe doesn't matter, he's not gonna go to the L block one anyway he's to emo for that so I'm going with him and I'm guessing you two are going together?" Eula looks over "of course it's not like I can go with her next year so obviously im bringing her" Eula is honest and we have never had issues with each other before but the one thing we have in common is the ability to use the wrong tone for whatever you are trying to say so she always sounds like you have personally wronged her and her whole bloodline even during a light hearted joke

"Seems like I have have a better memory than our wonderful president " Kaeya walked back over dragging a chair next to me " anything I can help with blondie?" "Oh my god what have you done with Kaeya volunteering for work I never would have thought , Albedo you should've dated him sooner" Eula responded in a sarcastic tone and Kaeya seemed like he couldn't really care less. Venti tossed a couple napkins onto Kaeya's lap " try fold them nicely " he smiled as he changed the batteries "why would I know how to fold napkins" he retorted and everyone looked over at him "he said try Kaeya so can you at least try" Amber spoke in a soft manner "okay okay cool it, I'll try" I watched as Kaeya tried to fold them eventually getting a weird triangle ish one but it still looked presentable " what is even the point in this no one is going to sit down everyone will be having fun, so we could put our effort into other things" Kaeya spoke as he placed the napkin on the table and Amber spoke up "you and I probably won't sit down but three people at this table are bringing there antisocial partners so they will want to sit down the whole time so we can't judge" that then started a little bicker between Amber and Eula on if she was antisocial or not 

Academic Rivals: Kaeya x AlbedoWhere stories live. Discover now