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Kaeya Pov

I don't know why I asked Albedo to go with me I could have asked Childe or Ayato but I wanted Albedo to go with me, I wanted to spend some time with him but I also wanted to see him all dressed up in a nice suit but I didn't expect what I saw when he opened the door

"Hey blo-...." I was stunned and didn't have the words after a few seconds of silence

"You look amazing blondie" someone comes out behind him

"Hi Kaeya bring him back safe won't you " it was Alice I haven't seen her in years but she hasn't aged a day

"Don't worry he will be back safe and sound no worries " I smile and I look at Albedo who looked so embarrassed and nervous

"Well bye " Albedo walks out and closes the door behind him he looks at the ground as we walk to my car

"You don't have to come if your not comfortable with going I only asked so I wouldn't be lonely and would have someone to talk too" I open the door for him before walking around and entering the driver's side

"No it's fine I just this shirt Alice chose it and well yeah " he moves the shirt around

"You look great don't worry correction you look amazing, great is an understatement" which it's true he looked amazing I never would have pictured him wearing anything like this but it looked perfect on him

"T thank you " he looks away but before he did I noticed the blush on his face and I try so hard not to laugh

We make some small talk as we drive I can't stop thinking about how the one thing his outfit was missing was some jewelry like a watch some rings and maybe a necklace but an odd thought comes to mind are his ears pierced

"I know this is random but do you have your ears pierced" he starts to laugh and he turns to me

"Nope, never even thought about it why" he laughs as he talks I don't know why I wanted to know but I got my answer

"Just thought of it and was curious that's all" we arrive at the event it was at another winery I have been a few times with my father but those where during the day for meetings I had never been here for an event

"We are here, you ready " I look over at Albedo he looks nervous, I think he forgot that we where actually going to this thing which I don't blame him I did the same thing I was enjoying talking to him I was actually tempted to just drive around aimlessly for a bit but I gotta go to this thing. I'm very happy Albedo came but I also feel bad for dragging him to this cause these aren't fun particularly since we can't drink. I don't even know if Albedo has drank before I have abroad but even if I had never drank before my dad would always give me a lecture on how to talk about different wines to people

"Yeah I'm ready " he gets out of the car and I hear him muttering something to himself i couldn't make it out exactly but I think it was along the lines of "I look stupid"

I walk over and place my arm on his shoulder "you look great don't worry, now let's go "

I take my arm off him and we walk towards the entrance before we enter Albedo leans over and whispers in my ear

"I'm nervous is that bad " I look down at him and it's so cute how nervous he is

"It's fine just smile, you have a cute smile so use it "I laugh slightly as we walk in I look at Albedo who is looking around both nervous but also a look of wonder

"How long is this thing " he asks me as we approach a table and stand there

"Well this thing is on till 11 but we only got be here for an hour or two" he looks over at shock

"This thing is on for 5 and a half hours isn't that like really long why is it that long " he looks astonished

"Well no one would be here for the full thing it's just so more people can come for a few hours which suits them " I grab his hand and I bring him up to the bar and I wave down Charles

"Hey Charles can I get two of you know " I smirk at him

"Coming right up " Charles walks away and comes back with two champagne glasses filled with sprite. Charles nearly always worked these events and since I looked old enough to drink it was odd that I didn't so Charles serves me sprite in a champagne flute since it looks like I'm drinking champagne. I pass one glass too Albedo who looks at me concerned

"Is this"

"No no it's " I lean down and whisper to him

"It's sprite it's just so we look like we are drinking since this a wine event " I lean back up

"If I was talking up the winery and trying to get you to buy from us but I am not drinking anything myself, it puts people off " I smile and we start to walk around making some idle chit chat with other people, surprisingly Albedo knew a fair amount about wine well it was more from the scientific perspective but he impressed some people I need to bring him to more off these he made it so much more enjoyable.

We had been talking to people for about an hour or so and Albedo looked wrecked I know he isn't very sociable so when we finish talking with people I grab his wrist and I bring him outside

"How is it so far, you having some fun " Albedo looks relieved to be away from people and he turns and smiles at me

"It's not as bad as you made it sound but I guess being with you made it a lot more fun" he laughs and I can't help but join in

"I think I have done enough conversing for the night and you really helped me represent the winery I say we can go now if your ready "

"Yeah sure we can go I really want to get out of this shirt " he follows me round to the car and I open the door for him before walking round and sitting in the car

"You look good in that shirt, you should wear it again in the future "

"I um maybe I will" he speaks quickly and quietly and his face goes pink, he looked all cute like that. The moonlight reflects against his glasses he took them off and wipes them on his sleeve before putting them back on. He looks out the window as I drive him back home

"Tonight was nice thanks for bringing me " he says as I pull up outside his house

"Well I will see you tomorrow bye" I wave as he walks up the driveway before he opens the door he turns around and waves back with a smile on his face. I watch him enter his house and I see Alice hug him as he enters and I can't help but laugh at how embarrassed Albedo looked. After I watch the door close I head home

Academic Rivals: Kaeya x AlbedoWhere stories live. Discover now