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Kaeya Pov

My thoughts on Albedo is ...
I don't really know to be honest, are rivalry has been going on for 7 no 8 years now and well I'm kinda over it I don't want it to just poof because if it weren't for it I would probably be failing every class or just barely passing because I really dont care for school and this is really the only reason i actually show up for tests. I thought of Albedo as just my rival up until recently.... Childe keeps bugging me about how I don't have a girlfriend and have never had a girlfriend or boyfriend considering most off out friend group are either in a relationship or have had multiple. As he put it

"Kaeya come on your the one everybody wants to date so date someone because until you do any conversation I have with anyone is "oh is Kaeya dating, what does he like in women , does he have a girlfriend and blah blah blah "

He can't talk much he still flirts with all the girls despite the fact he has a boyfriend I pretty sure it's the history professor from the college near here he was so excited when he turned 18 because of it.

But still I don't know what kind of relationship I wanted with Albedo all I knew was that I didn't just want to be rivals anymore.


I had been thinking about this all over the Christmas break and it wasn't till I was helping him set up the alchemy club did I finally know what kind of relationship I wanted with Albedo.

Albedo was standing up on the table and I was worried he was going to fall I walk up behind him placing my hand on his back for support

"Well come on you enjoyed our time in the library and you can't deny it " I smile up at him before taking Albedo's hand with my free hand as he starts to bend down.

"What would you do if I jumped down " he stands back up on the table still holding my hand before he looks down mischievously at me while I move my hand off his back and onto his waist to stabilise him since when he stood back up the table wobbled

"Well I would catch you blondie and then scold you for being an idiot" I  place my knee against the table to stop it from wobbling more

"Well you wouldn't need to if you just " he pushes my hand that was on his waist out of the way before jumping down still holding my hand until he lets go after a few seconds

"You run the fencing club yet you are scared off me standing on a table " he starts to laugh at the idea of me being worried before I join in he doesn't seem like the kinda guy to laugh much but his laugh was infectious and I couldn't help it

"That has rules and regulations you may get a few bruises but nothing serious " I take the remaining posters " I'm not letting you put these up I don't trust you to not do something stupid "

I look at the posters before realising I don't know where they go in the room it can't be that important right so I will just put them where ever there is empty space . I walk over to the wall and start to hang up the posters, Albedo did nothing to stop me so I  turn around to look at him and I watch as he just stands there with his hands on his hip where I had placed my hand earlier. We both just stand like this for several minutes until Albedo looks up and sees me staring he immediately turns around and starts placing the books around I just smirk and get back to hanging the posters.

I finish hanging them up so I walk over to Albedo and sit on the desk
"What you thinking about blondie "I say with a smile

"Just about what exactly I will do with them today I have gotten a few messages from people saying they can't make it so I might just cancel it for today but I have already set up so I don't know "
He looks down at his phone with a glum look it was obvious he cared about this club

"But even if you cancel it you still have to stay here for your time slot "that was the one downside of running clubs teachers do random inspections to see if the clubs are being run so if nobody is there when it happens your club will most likely get cancelled

"I know .... I think I'm just going cancel it it's only Sucrose and some freshman coming so really there is no point I'm sorry that you helped me set this place up and now it's not even getting used "
He starts to text on his phone probably canceling the meeting.
He looks so sad about the club not being in but it is the best decision if there isn't the numbers and I speak not even realising what I was saying

"I could stay with you like keep you company till I have to leave for fencing "

"No I don't want to be a bother " he puts his phone back down on the desk .

"No I don't mind I have nothing to do anyway since there is nothing that has to be set up for fencing everyone brings there own gear and the mats are already on the floor " which was half true half not the mats weren't set up but they where easy and I could that in a few minutes

"Well if you want I'm not going to stop you " I pick up one of the alchemy books before handing it to him " could you tell me a bit about alchemy " I say with a smile.
Albedo looks up at me and takes the book before placing it on the table

"Sure but I don't need a book to tell you " he smiles as he says that before he starts telling me all about alchemy.

"So this is the alchemical symbol for the sun which is also the symbol for gold- "
As he starts talking about metals I rember I never put my rings back on and I route through my bag to try and find them

"What are you looking for " Albedo walks up to me and looks at the bag

"Oh my rings " I had taken them off since the sound seemed to be distracting Albedo during chemistry and I just never put them back on

"Oh you put them in your pockets in chemistry " he walks back up to the chart with the symbols before going back to talking

I check my pocket and sure enough they are there I start to put them on before I speak up again.

"Gold suits you"

Is all I say I didn't even realise what I was saying when I said it, why did I say it now it's going to be awkward aghhhh. I want to just bash my head into the table I was actually making progress at being his friend.

"What do you mean " he puts his hands together in front of his stomach and just looks at me with curiosity at what I said and I know I need to speak up

"Well you don't wear any jewelry and I just think gold would suit you that's all.... Like if you had some rings not a lot like 2 or 3 since your hands are very bare " I stop talking after I realised I was rambling I was just trying to make it sound less weird but I just made it worse

"Oh look at the time I got to go to fencing um how about you check out fencing when your club time is over ... Bye " I grab my bag and rush out of the classroom it was true I was going to be late for fencing but I also would have said something else stupid if I didn't get out of there but why did I ask him to check out fencing, and I said it so awkwardly and I didn't even wait to hear his response I just walked out. For the love of barbatos please please tell me he doesn't come to fencing

Academic Rivals: Kaeya x AlbedoWhere stories live. Discover now