Just The Way You Are

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Title: Just The Way You Are
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Length: 5534 words
Written: Jan 2, 2024
Published: July 11, 2024

Top: Minho
Bottom: Seungmin

TW: ed, starving, overworking, attempted sh, kissing, hateful behaviour, mentions of suicide

Prompt: it's comeback time, but Seungmin thinks he's holding the group back so he overworks himself to improve. Minho notices this and...

A/N: if you see some grammar/vocabulary errors please let me know because English is not my first language.


*set before ROCK-STAR comeback*

3rd person POV:

Seungmin stood in the dance studio, growing more frustrated with each failed attempt at practicing the choreography for "LALALALA". Each misstep deepened his self-doubt, causing him to question his abilities. His anger mounted with each mistake, until he reached a point of defeat.

Frustrated tears filled his eyes, making him immediately stop his dancing. The other members finally noticed his distress and hurried to his side.

Felix: placing a hand on Seungmin's shoulder, concerned "Hey, it's okay, Minnie. We all have off days. You'll nail it in no time."
Seungmin: shooking his head "No, I c-can't get it right. I'm letting e-everyone down."
Chan: offering encouragement "Seungmin-ah, you're not letting anyone down. We're a team. We'll help you through this."

Despite his members' reassurances, Seungmin's frustration only intensified. The burden of his perceived failure became overwhelming, and tears streamed down his cheeks uncontrollably. Abruptly excusing himself, he rushed to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

Inside the bathroom, his sobs echoed off the walls. The members exchanged worried glances outside, unsure of how to comfort their distressed friend. They took turns knocking on the door, offering words of support, but the puppy-like boy remained silent.

After a while, his favorite hyung approached the bathroom door.

Minho: "Seungmin-ah, we're here for you. You're not alone in this. Let us help you."

Despite the gentle reassurances, the bathroom door stayed locked, leaving the members feeling helpless.

Chan: "Seungmin-ah, it's okay to feel frustrated. We believe in you, and we'll face this together."
Jeongin: chiming in "Remember all the times you've supported us? Now it's our turn to support you, hyung."
Jisung: "Your dedication inspires us, Minnie. Don't let a tough day define you."
Hyunjin: with a comforting tone "It's alright to struggle. We're not perfect, and that's what makes us stronger as a group. Take your time, and when you're ready, we'll be here."

As the members continued expressing their support, the bathroom door remained closed. They patiently waited, understanding that healing took time, and that sometimes, the best support was simply being present for a friend in need.

----------------------------------time skip----------------------------------
(1hr later)

After what felt like an eternity, the practice room door creaked open, revealing Seungmin with rosy tear-streaked cheeks and puffy eyes. His gaze met the concerned eyes of his fellow members, who welcomed him with open arms.

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