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Title: brutal
Genre: fluff, slight angst, non-idol au
Lenght: 3545 words
Written: August 7, 2024
Published: August 7, 2024

Top: Minho
Bottom: Seungmin

Prompt: Seungmin is battling self-doubt and pressure, feels isolated despite his friends' support. What happens when he meets Minho?

A/N: if you see some grammar/vocabulary errors please let me know because English is not my first language.


Seungmin sat alone on a bench at the park, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows, but he barely noticed. At 17, life seemed like a series of endless demands, and he felt like he was falling short on every front. The pressures from school, his family's expectations, and the desire to fit in all weighed heavily on him. His usual solace was overshadowed by a persistent feeling of inadequacy.

Despite being surrounded by friends who cared about him, he often felt isolated. The conversations at school were superficial, and even when he was with his friends, the gnawing sense that he was failing to meet expectations lingered. His attempts to shake off these feelings often led to frustration and self-doubt, amplifying the sense of emptiness he felt inside.

Minho, at 19, was in a different world altogether. He had settled into a stable routine at college, his life seemingly well-organized and predictable. His own struggles with emotional connection and personal issues made it difficult for him to fully engage with the younger's deep-seated insecurities.

Seungmin's friends were his lifeline, each offering a different kind of support. Hyunjin, who had been by his side since elementary school, was a constant presence, always ready to lend an ear. Hyunjin understood his frustrations and often tried to offer comfort, though sometimes his well-meaning words seemed to fall short.

Jeongin, who looked up to Seungmin as an older brother, was a source of unlimited support. At just 16, he admired the older's resilience and offered encouragement whenever he could. His presence was a small beacon of hope for Seungmin, a reminder that he wasn't alone in his struggles.

Chan, Minho's best friend since middle school, was another piece of the puzzle. He was perceptive and cared deeply about both Minho and Seungmin. He often found himself caught between his loyalty to the cat boy and his concern for the puppy boy. He believed that the two were meant to be together and that the issues they faced could be resolved with time and effort.

Jisung, Minho's ex, maintained a supportive presence in their lives. Even though their romantic relationship had ended, Jisung remained a close friend to the older and continued to offer guidance and support.


Seungmin's feelings of inadequacy grew more intense with each passing day. At school, his grades were slipping despite his best efforts. The once-manageable workload now felt like an insurmountable mountain, and every test or project only seemed to confirm his fears: that he wasn't good enough.

His part-time job at a local café was supposed to be a distraction from school stress, but it often felt like another arena where he failed to meet expectations. The monotony of making coffee and dealing with irritable customers added to his sense of frustration. His boss's constant nitpicking didn't help either, leaving him feeling unappreciated and overlooked.

Even his creative pursuits, which had always been his escape, became sources of frustration. Seungmin loved singing, but lately, every song he tried to cover sounded terrible (in his perception). His art, once a safe zone, now mocked him with its imperfections. The monsters that used to flow from his mouth now felt forced and uninspired. Posting his work online brought little comfort, as the likes and comments that trickled in seemed perfunctory, leaving him feeling more misunderstood than ever.

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