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Title: idfc
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Lenght: 2871 words
Written: Jan 5, 2024
Published: Mar 27, 2024

Top: Minho
Bottom: Seungmin

TW: hateful behavior, insults, manipulation, cheating, kissing

Prologue: Minho likes Seungmin, Seungmin likes Minho. What's holding them back?

A/N: if you see some grammar/vocabulary errors please let me know because English is not my first language.


In a old-fashioned little restaurant, Stray Kids gathered for a rare night out. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the clinking of utensils against plates. Amidst the chatter, Minho couldn't shake the urge to confess his feelings to Seungmin.

As the night progressed, the ravenette found an opportune moment to pull the brunette to the restroom. "Seungmin," he hesitated, his heart pounding, "there's something I need to tell you."

Seungmin looked at Minho with curiosity, his expression a mix of anticipation and surprise. "What is it, hyung?"

Taking a deep breath, the cat-like boy confessed, "I've been meaning to tell you that I...I really like you, Seungmin."

Seungmin's eyes widened, listening to the confession. "Minho-hyung, I didn't expect this," He admitted, a hint of vulnerability in his voice. "I need you to know that I value our friendship a lot, but I'd be grateful if you could wait some more to get my answer..." Then Seungmin excused himself to the restroom, leaving the cat-like boy in a hurricane of emotions.

Felix, always perceptive, noticed Minho and couldn't resist the urge to investigate. "What happened, hyung? You look like you've seen a ghost."

The latter sighed, straggling with how to explain the situation. "I just confessed to Minnie, and now I'm waiting for his response."

The former, eyes widening, exclaimed, "Wait, you confessed? That's amazing! But why do you look so worried?"

Minho bit his lip, contemplating whether to divulge the reason behind Seungmin's reaction. "I think there's something he didn't tell me. He said to wait, but I don't know why."

Felix, sensing something was wrong with the younger, offered, "Maybe he's just processing it. Give him some time."

Meanwhile, in the restroom, the brunette anxiously splashed water on his face. He overheard the conversation and Felix's words echoed in his mind. Yes, there was something, but he couldn't say to anyone what that was.

As he returned to the table, the chick-like boy couldn't help but inquire a bit more. "Minnie, Minho-hyung confessed to you, right? What's the deal? You like him back, right? Then why did you tell him to wait?"

Seungmin, choosing to keep the details to himself, offered a tight-lipped smile. "Yes, Lixie. I like him back. It's just something personal. Don't worry about it."

The blonde, sensing the latter's reluctance to share, persisted. "Come on, Minnie. Hyung looked pretty serious. You can trust me."

Seungmin, appreciating the sunshine's concern, sighed. "I just need some time to sort things out. It's not the right moment to talk about it."

Felix, though still curious, respected his dongsaeng's boundaries. "Alright, but remember, I'm here if you ever need to talk."

As they rejoined the table, the unspoken tension lingered, leaving the group with a sense of uncertainty. The evening continued with casual banter and laughter, but beneath the surface, each member of the group carried their own concerns and questions.

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