Chapter Five | How Could You?

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5 Months Until Victoria's Murder...

"Where have you been all night you bitch!" Mr. Blane was drunk out of his mind. Throwing cushions and pillows all around the living room, "It's 5 in the morning, are you going to be a slut like your mother?" He goes off at Victoria, who surprisingly paid him no attention and just walked to her room, "I ought to kill you!" She hears him scream from afar, but her door closing completely shut off all the voices in this house.

She threw herself onto her bed and allowed her mind to wander off into the abyss of her thoughts. She felt stuck in her own head, not knowing whether she should listen to Samuel or to herself. What is Damian holding against her?

She must start figuring it out herself before going on to kill someone who was once her lover, and she should be paying extra attention because the person she wants to go commit a crime with was the one trying to lure her into her death in the first place, but that was for tomorrow. Victoria decided to drop everything else for the night and go to sleep. She had school in 4 hours and she had no idea how she would wake up energized to go on about the day.

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"Shit!" Victoria rushed up and jumped to the bathroom. She was 2 hours late to school and completely neglected her 15 alarms. She quickly got up and washed her face, brushed her teeth, and got ready before she ran downstairs, but to her surprise someone was waiting for her on the couch.

"What the fuck are you doing here Damian?" Victoria asks as she continues getting ready, "It's Sunday you idiot. We don't have school." He says. Victoria takes out her phone and looks at the date. "Oh," She giggles at her idiocy, "still, what are you doing in my house?" She turns her attention back to Damian.

"You should have been dead by now," He doesn't bother looking up from the book he's reading. Probably a book that he found in her bookshelf, but that only raises the question of how long has Damian been waiting downstairs for Victoria to wake up.

"What do you mean dead?" She asks, and he finally looks up to give her some sort of attention, "I mean I sent Samuel on a mission to take you out to the mountains and kill you." He eyes her from head to toe, "By the looks of it I should know who to hire next time."

Victoria was in disbelief for a moment, not knowing what to think or what to believe. His words made sense in her head but she didn't want to believe a word that came out of his mouth before she talked to Samuel personally and found out what it is that Damian is talking about.

"That's bullshit," She says in disbelief, "Samuel would never hurt me." She cries.

"Oh really sweetie?" Damian bursts out into laughter. The sound of his laugh made Victoria feel rage, a feeling of anger she never felt before. It was like fire burning into her skin. A knife being stabbed into her stomach. She felt betrayed, but she wasn't in the mood to listen to anybody right now, especially not Damian.

"So you think because you're rich you get to walk into my house and blabber words, and I would believe them?" She asks, "Just because you have money and fame, that you didn't even earn, you get to enter people's homes and fuck with them?" She adds, but before Damian could try and answer Victoria grabbed a vase and threw it at him, "Get the fuck into your shitty Lamborghini and out of my fucking house!" The vase shatters on the floor next to him and she continues to yell, throwing more things at him.

Damian took the book and made his way to the door, using the book to shield himself from all the things being thrown at him, "You know, if a part of you didn't believe what I just told you it wouldn't have pissed you off so much," He smirks, "and I am keeping this." He shows her the book, and walks out of the house.

Victoria was furious, and she didn't know if it was at him or at herself. She knew that what he told her was right, a part of her did believe him, and a part of her always felt something off about Samuel getting too close to her.

After racing around her house for what felt like an hour, she decided to pick up her phone and call him. "Hello," Samuel picks up the phone, "what's up beautiful?" His voice was just as charming as ever. For a second Victoria wanted to forgive him simply for how pure and perfect he sounds, but this was a different occasion.

"You were going to kill me yesterday?" She asks, jumping straight to the point. She knew that if they had little talk he would have managed to soften her up with his perfect voice and his on-point choice of words every time, and she hated herself for how vulnerable she was around him.

No answer came from his side for some time, it felt like an amusement park late at night, where the only sound you can hear is the sound of your breath. "I'm coming over." He finally says before hanging up the phone. Victoria was still furious, but she found herself cleaning up the house before he came, rearranging the pillows that were thrown at her yesterday. Doing the dishes that haven't been done in probably weeks. Picking up all the alcohol bottles her father has thrown around the house, she couldn't stop trying to make the house perfect for Samuel when he arrives.

"In a way. I am cleaning up my death bed..." She murmurs to herself and laughs at her own thoughts, but her laugh was short lived as the banging on the door sends shivers up her spine. She couldn't find the strength to go and open the door, until finally, the door opened on its own.

"We need to talk." It was Samuel, "Now."

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