Chapter Thirty Eight | He Lied

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It was dark in the courtroom today, even as the sun glowed outside. The darkness wasn't in the atmosphere, it was in my soul when I saw him walk up to the stand. "I would like to bring Mr. Salem to the stand," Mrs. Lauren adjusts her tie, "Samuel's guardian in a way or another." She shoots the judge a smile, something you don't see very often on her face. I must say even I was in shock when I saw her cheeks go close to her ears. Mrs. Lauren wasn't such a joyful person if I were to put her character into words, but fucking hell was she a good lawyer. "Who are you?" Mr. Blane asks as Salem takes a seat, "Shut up," Salem replies, "Murderer." The courtroom was flabbergasted with the way Salem replied to him, murmurs and chaos started, and the Judge had no choice but to interfere, "Order!" He slams his gavel a first time, then the second, and slowly the courtroom cools off, giving permission for Mrs. Lauren to start with her questions, "Anyways," Mrs. Lauren sighs, "Mr. Salem. Where were you the night of the murder?"

"I was with Samuel," He smiles and leans back. It's odd seeing Salem dress up well, but who am I to judge? "So you saw Samuel recently?" Mrs. Lauren takes a couple of steps closer, trying to find the answer in his eyes in case he thought of lying. "You asked about the night of the murder, I never said that recently."

"Well let me rephrase the question," She takes a deep breath and lets it out softly, "Have you seen Samuel this past week?"

"No I haven't." He answers immediately.

Mrs. Lauren turns towards the jury, "Did Samuel mention anything to you about Victoria getting murdered before?"

"Objection," Mr. Blane comes out of nowhere, "Objection to what?" Mrs. Lauren turns quickly to give Mr. Blane a wicked look, as if Mr. Blane interrupted the best part of her perfectly planned scenario. "Carry on Mrs. Lauren," The Judge commands. "Anyways," Mrs. Lauren rolls her eyes and goes back to looking at Salem, who was looking around the courtroom as if it's a museum —- or a place he worries he will be a resident in shortly — does he have something to hide?

"Answer my question please, Mr. Salem."

"No," He shakes his head, "but he did mention a couple of things about Victoria being abused by her father." He turns to Mr. Blane and waves, "And what exactly did Samuel tell you about Victoria's father?" And here it was, the climax that Mrs. Lauren has been trying to build up all this time, the end of her scenario. The smile on her face grew in confidence before Salem even answered, and I must say, she should be. "Last time I saw him he asked me if Victoria could stay at my house for a couple of days."

"And why would he ask you for that?" Salem went quiet for a moment, keeping us all on edge, even me who knew the real murderer, the person who could stand up and finish this trial in milliseconds was anxiously waiting for his answer —- an answer I know well enough was nothing but a lie.

"Because Mr. Blane had been threatening to murder her," He finally says, "Because she was pregnant." 

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