Chapter 1

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Season 1 Episode 1

Aya Mandisa POV

My heels clicked in the empty lobby, straight to Darius's office, with no Christmas decorations in sight, despite the fact that the holidays were approaching. 'No fucking Christmas tree or lighting in my fucking kingdom,' Darius demands, as everyone might picture her voice sounding like Mr. Scrooge, gruff, little hoarse and angry, with a hint of melancholy behind it.

"Do you know when she'll be on her way?" Alorica inquired as she came down next me. Her mouth was wide open, expecting for good news. But when I curled my nose, she furrowed her brow, knowing there wasn't.

"I'll inquire of her."

Alorica and the other employees would want to know when Darius was going on vacation to a tropical location so they could throw an office party. But given Darius' work ethic, I doubt it was conceivable.

"Say a prayer to Santa Claus." I muttered as I approached the office. As I opened the door, my self-assurance crumbled like an ancient structure, and I was reduced to a terrified wreckage of rumbles.

Cold gray eyes were already looking at me, immobilizing me. Her body reclined back in her enormous black office chair, like a monarch, staring over her kingdom, which she said she built with blood, sweat, and tears.

"Christmas greetings—"

"Don't welcome me with that Christmas nonsense. How does my schedule for the remainder of the week sound?"

My jaw hangs wide in response to her nasty responses. I'll never get used to her outspokenness. Flipping through the note book, I cleared my throat. The side of the paper that has been scrawled on.

"Be courageous and request your vacation."

I cringed at the short pep talk message I had written for myself. I was meant to depart months ago, but I was saving it for this month, the lovely month of Christmas, laughing, and love. I haven't seen my parents in two years since job and money have kept me apart from them. This year was all about family.

"All right, Aya." Her loud voice slashes through my profound thoughts like a knife. I sent her a grin, but her hard stare made me serious once again.

"You have a couple charity activities this week."

"Fuck!" She blurted, making me jump out of fright. My gaze was drawn to her costly coal black shirt, with coal black tie and coal black slacks. Every day, she dressed as if she were attending a funeral.

"What type of charity is it?"

"The hospital, specifically the oncology wing and—"

"Aya, look at me."

I gasped and looked up from my book.

My smile shook like a leaf on my cheeks. "Why do I have managers, supervisors, and you for? To attend these events and represent me."

This was the moment when I spoke to her. Or perhaps I can tell her later. She disliked it when others interrupted her.

I waited till she had done yapping.

"I believe it is better that you go. To have a deeper understanding and—"

Her fridge look made me want to scream. With her jaw tightly gritted, I would have loved nothing more than to have her slammed me against the very desk in which her feet rest upon.

"Aya!" She yelled.


"I want poison."

"Poison, Ms. Horus," my brow furrowed.

"Yes lots of it."

"May I inquire as to why you require it?"

"Well, my neighborhood has a lot of lovely small dogs and some great old neighbors, and I'd want to do Santa a favor by limiting the number of chimneys he visits."

I said, "Ma'am, with all due respect, I can't give you poison to uhm..."

"Who or what are you?" She fixed her gaze on me. I swallowed my sneer and potentially nasty remark. She gets up and circles around to face me. "I've always envisioned you as a porn star."

My mouth widens even further. What does attempting to slaughter the entire neighborhood have to do with her fantasy of me being a porn star? That's bizarre.

"Please excuse me, Ms. Horus."

"I'm not a pervert, Aya."

I rolled my eyes, my demeanor concealed by my note book. She sees everything in her field of vision.

When I realized that everyone wanted to hold a covert office party, I forgot about her pervert inclinations.

"Any vacation or business travel outside of the United States will occur this Christmas?"

"Why?" She inquired. I pull the book away from my face.

"Aren't you often on business travels abroad at this time of year?"

"I'm not sure; there isn't a lot of activity going in overseas because of the conflict."

I agreed by nodding.

"Who will be attending charity events this week?" She asked the question once more.

I was only an assistant, therefore my role in charitable activities was limited.

"Perhaps I might allow one of the—"

"Can't I simply pay them the money and be done with it?" I'm not sure why she despises Christmas or particular festivities, but it was the same every year.

"Most of the time, interaction is better."

"Then we should go together."

"Uhm..." My anxiousness was rising throughout my body. I couldn't miss my parents' house this year since they were growing older and the little time they had left, I had to spend with them. In addition, I had to go since my sister threatened me over the phone.

"We'll go dress shopping for you in the following two days. "Are the events scheduled for the weekend?"

"Sure, but—"

"All right, go fetch me some coffee." She placed her order.

I sighed and turned aside. I've been attempting to request my vacation for many days now, and each time it appears to be becoming more difficult.


My colleagues from a different level swarmed me like flies on food as soon as I sat down at the cafeteria bench.

"So?" Centra inquired, her body glowed with eagerness, as did her baby blue eyes. They all limped forward, and I suddenly felt horrible for having to give the bad news that Darius was going to sit on her throne and slave us all this Christmas. As I was also subject to her authority.

"I recognize that expression," Jackson groaned.

"She stated that she will remain grounded due to the conflict." I elaborated. They all moaned, and seeing all of their unhappy faces broke my heart.

"Perhaps we'll have to shift the location."

"It's an office party, to be hosted at the office," Kimono mocked. "Not at a rented location, and who do you think is going to utilize their Christmas bonus to rent a location?"

"Don't give up hope yet, guys; I'm sure she has a girlfriend overseas." I put in, knowing full well she didn't. If Darius had been dating someone, the entire media would have known. She wasn't a crazy CEO with a flirtatious personality.

"Believe me when I say she's single. Look at her." We all laughed as Mason snorted. "She can't even tie a necktie."

I chuckled, remembering all the occasions we attended and how I had to fix her tie, and her suit in general.

"I'll inquire again." 

MS. Scrooge (Girlxintersex) A short Christmas RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now