Chapter 2

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Season 1 Episode 2


Texas isn't known for its snow, but just north up Michigan, where my parents and siblings live, snow has exceeded the trunk of a tree. I prefer a white Christmas, and after two years of just seeing Christmas lights and decorations and no white rain, I began to feel depressed.

Upon donning my dress suit and finishing my sleek, short hair, I heard my phone buzzing inside my business purse. I rummaged through it, my hands grabbing the vibrating device. I sighed when I saw my sister's callers ID.

Perhaps I can ignore her.

Maybe acquire a new phone, ignore them for the rest of the year, and contact them around the New years. I didn't have the courage to tell my boss that I wanted the holidays off, especially with her steely gaze and nasty mouth.

I threw the phone to the side and grabbed the coffee pot. I squirmed about my little condo while holding a steaming hot coffee. The little space was only big enough for myself and no one else, well maybe for someone else, but I preferred to be lonely. I drank my coffee, thinking it would get me through the day. The phone could be heard ringing. Guilty stung my heart, and I picked up the phone.

"Yes, Abiba."

"I recognize that tone. It's not too horrible." She burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes since my two siblings lived with our parents, their lives were going nicely. They didn't need to chase the money or the spotlight as I do. I do, however, adore a snowy Christmas, as I have indicated. Michigan, or the countryside, wasn't truly for me. I understood as a child that I needed to succeed in the big metropolis.

"Did you ask?"

She was alluding to the possibility that I would have contacted my boss about taking a Christmas break.

"No." I murmured, bracing myself for a reprimand from her.

The initial idea was to be in Michigan by December 5th in order to participate in all of the festive celebrations that our family had planned. As I moved to the little kitchen, my gaze was drawn to the wall-mounted calendar. It seemed as if the dates were tormenting me, as December was the shortest but finest month.

I threw my cup in the sink, the hot coffee still boiling within.

"When do you intend to ask? Come on, Aya, the clock is ticking."

"I know, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make it. But I'll give you and our parents some money, as well as Athen."

"You sounded like Ebenezer Scrooge; it's not all about money. We haven't seen you in five years.

"I understand, but my work is critical."

"Than family!" She interrupted me with a yell. Sure, I didn't intend it that way, but I knew I'd never have a job like this again, especially in a major metropolis like this.

"If you don't show up—"

"Don't say what I expect you to say." I mumbled as tears ran down my eyes.

"If you don't come this year, don't bother coming ever."

And she said it. As I heard the connection go dead, tears welled up in my eyes. As the phone rang again, my eyes widened, expecting it was my sister, but it was Darius instead.

I rolled my eyes as I answered the phone, and I cleared my throat before speaking.

"Good day, Ms. Ho—"

"I need my morning coffee, Aya. I'm down here."

My eyes widened as she picked me up this morning.

"I'm on my way! Simply give—"

MS. Scrooge (Girlxintersex) A short Christmas RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now