Chapter 13

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Season 1 Episode 13


The kitchen was not only crowded, but also reeked of roasted chicken and sugary sweets. My father was sitting on the couch with Darius, a chess board jammed between them, their brows knitted in concentration.

"In my opinion, Darius should be in the kitchen." I muttered this as I struggled to finish the last batch of cookie dough. I hadn't cooked in quite some time, and it had me sweating profusely--not that I can cook. Athen and Abida appeared to have everything under control.

"She doesn't appear to be a cook." My mother stated. We all have the same apron, however mine was a touch snug because I wasn't around when they were purchased.

They wore adorable aprons with Santa's head all over them.

"She literally does nothing but manage a business." I still can't believe there wasn't even a Christmas tree in the lobby. I was confident my coworkers were having a good time when I told them Darius wouldn't be returning till the New Year.

"So you're essentially her housewife."

I snorted and started scooping cookie dough onto the baking sheet with the spoon. "We're both working."

"I'm just saying that if I'm with someone as wealthy as she is, I won't work for the rest of my life." I wasn't surprised to hear it from Athen. Her ex-boyfriend was quite affluent, but she was now stuck.

I wasn't sure if we were really dating if I'd stay at home and let her bring in the money. I want to be self-sufficient and free to spend my money however I see fit.

"Isn't it strange working for her and then behind closed doors she's shagging you?"

"Athen, please keep out of my personal life."

"Who fell in love first, you or her?" Abida inquired, smiling as she poured the rice into the cooker.

"It's more than likely me." If I'm being honest, I had a few fantasies about her and eventually developed a crush on her, despite how arrogant and harsh she can be.

My gaze returned to Darius, but to my surprise, she was already gazing at me. Her dark eyes twinkled with devotion, and I had to turn around to see whether she was gazing at me. She certainly was.

I cleared my throat, my cheeks began to flush, and a smile couldn't help but appear on my lips. I looked up again, and she was smiling as well.

She rose to her feet and walked over to the kitchen.

"We're delighted to have you join us." My mother made a remark.

"I won't be helping Mrs. Mandisa. I only came to annoy your daughter."

"Can you tell me which one?"

"This one." She grinned and softly took my hand in hers.

"Darius, I need to finish these cookies."

Though I objected, she drew me into her arms. Her lips were very lightly brushing my ear, but I could feel it. "Let me just hold you for a minute."

I cocked my brow. I didn't know when our feelings for each other had changed for the better; it seemed like only yesterday that we were like Tom and Jerry.

"You know, I'm curious when you're going to show me about town."

My eyes widen; I never anticipated her to ask me to show her where I used to live. She seemed too strange and distant.

"I'm very confident you don't want to see all of Ludington, Michigan." This made my chest heave in a pleasant way.

Was I gradually thawing the ice that surrounded her heart?

"I'm curious where the most gorgeous woman grew up."

"How about Thursday?" I'll show you around. We don't have much space, but we do have an ice rink, a couple diners, and at least three hangout locations. We'll be able to hit them all in the days we're here."

"That's OK with me." She pecked my cheeks before releasing me. That was a mistake since my legs felt like they were made of cooked noodles. She laughed, and I turned to face her.

"You, too, are a lovely pair." With a cheerful smile akin to Santa Claus', my mother said. If only she knew we weren't a couple.


We climbed the steep stairs of the modest lodge-style residence that was partially encircled by snow. I clasped the freshly baked cookies securely in my arms, imagining all the young orphan children who were ready to enjoy the food and dessert.

Mrs. Cole, the caretaker of all the small boys and girls aged one to fifteen, opened the door. We all flooded into the warm house, but as I turned to remove my jacket, I noticed Darius looking at the house, frozen in place. I groaned, setting the cookie tray on the stand near the entryway.

"I'll be right back, guys." I murmured.

Returning outdoors.

"Hey!" As I approached her and stood in front of her, her eyes carried a chilly faraway glare that made me tremble. Perhaps she needs some space. All this giving back and generosity wasn't her thing, and it was definitely too much for her.

"Are you all right?" When I turned around, I saw her looking at the centuries-old orphanage sign that hung over the porch.

"How many kids are there?"

"I don't know, maybe 20 kids, it's a little town, so not many kids become orphaned," I joked, shrugging. I chose to stand next to her.

"Hmm." She let out a sigh.

"Don't worry, it's not like in the movies when they're raucous; the caregivers made sure that they're well behaved." I hastily inserted.

"No, you're free to go." When her voice broke, I looked up to find tears in her eyes and her lips trembling.

"Darius, are you all right?" I stretched out to put my arms around her, but she resisted. "I'm just...How long will you be there?"

"About an hour, what's the problem? Can you tell me what's wrong?" My voice became more anxious. "Did I...did I...did I do something?"

"I've got to get out of here. I'll be back in one hour."

"No, Darius...wait!" I tried to hold her, but she slid from my grasp like an oily duck. I started after her, the snow making it tough.

"Darius!" I yelled, but she didn't respond.

"I'm ok! Just stay!" She screamed. She jumped into her car and started the engine. I started banging on the window. But she drove away, splattering nasty snow on my shoes. I couldn't help but stare as her car drove away, and my brain started imagining the worst-case scenario. I couldn't understand why she'd just up and leave like that. Did the orphanage make her think of anything or anyone?

"What happened to Darius?" Athen inquired.

"She just needed to cool off."

"Did you drive her away?"

I didn't respond, hoping I really didn't scare her away. What if the orphanage does make her think of something or someone? I should have asked whether she was okay with coming.

I should have realized how selfish I was. Nobody would wake up and despise Christmas unless they were haunted by some trauma.

I mustered a grin as I stepped back inside the orphanage to meet the boys and girls. 

MS. Scrooge (Girlxintersex) A short Christmas RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now