The talk with the Pro-Heroes and fighting the Yakuza

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After seeing her beat a Villain while being blind, they took her out in civilian clothing as they went to a Shushi Restaurant making her to feel better as she has a smaller version of the eyeball out to see and to where her mouth is as it's invisible making them to feel like the big one's this small one which she confirms once asked about it.

"Correct. I have to train it... Or else I'm..." She stops as she can't say it since she knows it's going to be true sooner or later making her to hate this as she wished to sense her father and brother one more time before she goes as she can't take this making Gang Orca to noticed her thoughts a bit.

"Something's not right with this if your scared to say it." Gang Orca said as she nods to him.

"I'll die if I don't use it and I hate it." She told them as she explains everything she could figure out about the Quirk and about her true one making them to keep this a secret for her as this is a major problem and she needs the protection until she's eighteen-years-old to make it easier for her which she accepts as they're going to sponsor her in UA.

"Plus each day, you're going to be doing internships with us all including Tsukauchi here which means you get to fight Villains and wear a Hero costume." Fat Gum said as she accepts making Tsukauchi to have the contract as it's for three years once she's in UA making her to accept as her two animals are also included in this since they have Quirks.

The three kept going from location to location after the meal was over until they saw a large fence and she plans to make it her new home, but has to deal with the Yakuza inside of it first as she saw the boss with a female child who's Quirk was going out of control as it hits him and turned him into a two-years-old baby from it fully.

It's making her to quickly have a cloud covering the horn which drains the energy fast which the child looks towards her and she's not scared of her at all as she rubs her head gently and turns towards the baby crying who she picks up and cradles making him to quiet down and fall asleep in her hold as the child looks nervous about her.

The girl can understand as it's understandable to be scared of strangers as she walks back to her and has her outside with the Yakuza group as well, too as she needs to do this fast as then warn her sponsors as she ahs a home to live in fully though how do you look after a child and a baby is something she's going to be needing a helping hand with.

"Alright, you moron. Since your leader is now a two-years-old baby, I got a offer for you. One on one. I fight one of you and that'll choice your fate. I win, you all go into the Villain Trade for other Heroes to buy and get the glory of defeating. If your member wins, I undo what happened to your leader. No cheating or getting help from your group to win.

That counts as an automatic win for me and the same goes for me making it a automatic win for your group. Got it?" One walks forward and was excited as she hands the baby over to a member to hold as the child stays close to them as she bows to him in respect before fully going into a pro-wrestling position making him happy as they start.

She dodges and weavers around his attacks as he does to her making both sides to see she's respectful towards his old job making them to back off, but one member as they had to stop him multiplying times as they fight making her to get a couple of hits in as she has gloves covering her hands to keep his Quirk from getting a boost from her.

The fighting lasted about four hours and she won making her to send him to Fat Gum's agency while the rest went into the Villain Trade making them to shout no which ahs her whooping their asses and defeating them as she sends them to the Villain Trade and the won she beat to Fat Gum with a note making him to accept as she has a portal to get him there faster.

"Thanks! Let's fight again soon!" He said as he walks through and right at Fat Gum's Agency making her to shake her head as she likes the guy. she then does the same for the Villain Trade building making them to accept the members as she got a whooping fifty centillion yens making her to nod and bows thanking them and then closed the portal.

She turns to the children and took them inside her new home as she has the girl in better looking clothing and kept the cloud on her horn making it easier on her as she has it looking like normal flat skin making her to be shocked as she looks normal without her curse making the girl to whack her gently on the head for that thought fully.

"Your Quirk isn't a curse. Normal isn't real anymore once Quirks came in on the year twenty fourteen. You'll be getting training to use your Quirk and how to properly use it. See what you did to the leader of that Yakuza group you saw me beat? Imagine if you can do that to injuries and restore forests back to life or with the proper training...

You can reverse back sicknesses or illnesses to where medicine can help them including cancer and let people get the treatments for them. You're Quirk is a rare Healing Type Quirk. There's not many with that type of Quirk. You can even be a Hero like Recovery Girl who uses her's to heal people with kisses, so her kisses make the boo-boos go away.

You'll be safe and sound with me, I promise." The child wasn't sure about it, but will give her a chance to prove it which she accepts as she will prove it herself, but first... Clothing for the two of them as they need it and she can sell his clothing since they're too big for him to even wear them anymore.

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