Entrance Exam

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Izumo had a lot of time to train One For All as she needs to keep training it in like the Divine Cosmo Quirk making her to finally have a name to go with it as it seems to be sensitive and wants to protect her making her to allow it, but she had almost died two weeks before she had to go to the UA exams making her heart to be replaced by the Quirk.

It removed her heart as a cloud after opening a portal to the chest cavity and used clouds to replace it as it went as a strong heart that can handle the stress of the three Quirks. Izumo can sense a second mind without her own mind space as she meditates and saw a being with purple skin and long hair with muscles in the arms and legs.

It had lion cloth covering the chest with shorts on making her to see the eyes were fully black with the right eye being blue iris slitted and the left eye is red iris slitted and the mouth... It looked like the Slit-Mouth Woman's face, but more the line of Jeff the Killer's face as it's all symmetrical making her to worry.

Once Izumo realized it's her, but as the creature... She cries as she feels sorry for her and she can accept everything else, but her as living in a body like that would be torturous and she can't live with it and hurt those she loves making the creature to smile as it breaks apart showing herself, but she noticed it had the same eyes before they went white.

"You can change your eyes like I did with our experimental Quirk which's called Divine Cosmos." She said as she smiles knowing she's not going to be staying for long, but the two fused making Izumo's three Quirks to be twice as powerful making her heart to handle it as she cries for her other-self making her to not noticed that the One For All previous users looked sad for her.

Izumo has Gang Orca babysit as he brings them all to his Aquarium making them to enjoy their time as Miruko went there to help him out in case he is needed for something as Izumo got dropped off by Ingenium making her to promise to be careful in the exams making him to nod before speeding away to do Hero work as she walks to the school.

Clouds seems to be more sensitive now as they clear the path for her of anything that might hurt her as she walks into the school and the eyeball keeps flickering to show the way as it follows a student and she's beside Ingenium's little brother making her to stay calm and not bug him as she uses a smaller version and has it by her neck to hide it from him.

Present Mic starts to explain the exam and then Ingenium's brother interrupted him about the fourth enemy and then got onto her childhood friend in the back making her to gently tug on him and explain that Present Mic wasn't done explaining and he interrupted him making him to look forward and got a nod making him to bow in apology as he apologies to him.

'Wait until Ingenium gets a hold of this.' Izumo thinks as she finished the writing portions of the exam in ten minutes and did the secret questions in another ten minutes before they went to the next part making her to stay in her seat, but have the clouds send a paperbag to the nervous girl who takes it and takes deep breaths in and out making Ingenium's brother to noticed.

Izumo stays below his radar as she doesn't want to start any trouble with him fully as she sneaks away and starts the exam making Present Mic to noticed and keeps it as she has more Recuse Points then Villain points. Twenty-five Villain Points and a whooping one hundred and fifty Recuse Points making her to be on everyone's eyes as she kept saving more than fighting.

Izumo then saved a follow examiner making her to destroy the Zero-Pointer which she has clouds to take back home to cast them for more money for her four children's inheritance from her making her to have a lot of money out of them for them which's a good thing in her mind as they can sell them for money if they want. She won't be mad at them for it.

Izumo wonders about the other robots she defeated which the cloud also teleported over as making her to do some blacksmithing as she has added into the inheritance of her children from her which increased the money if they wish to making her to ignore it as she focuses on the exam and the exam is now over as she got a pick up from a sidekick of Gang Orca.

She enjoyed her time there as the kids loved it and Eri was smiling cause of this making Izumo to feel better, but still can't show emotions which can be fixed if she wanted to. After two weeks, she got her results as she had gotten the top spot in the writing exam and the top spot in the last fight with the robots making her to share the news as she sent the video of it.

It was sent to all seven Heroes and Tsukauchi making them to be happy as Izumo got it like Toga Himiko did as well, too as Hawks and Touya Todoroki who used Dabi his Hero name and Himiko went for Copycat as her Hero name while Twice a.k.a Jin Bubaigawara was having fun may he be suffering with Spilt Personality Disorder cause of his Clones.

Twice is afflicted by a split personality, one being more jovial and carefree, whilst the other tends to be hostile and brash. Izumo kept reminding him that he's the original by causing a bit of pain until he tells her to stops making her to assign someone to do it for her cause of school making Ingenium to cover her, but not with pain like she thought.

He has his sidekicks to do a small prank on Twice making him to know his the original which works out better as clones can turn into mud and water would make them go muddy water if hit with it which made Twice to see he's the original making Izumo to leave it to them as she looks after her children and have Miss. Todoroki as their homeschool teacher.

Izumo sent the request to Endeavour through a Sidekick and explains she's willing to pay his daughter about fifty to one hundred million Yens per class she teaches them as she made a list of what they need to learn plus Isis has special classes to learn her Egyptian lessons on the laptop by a teacher to keep her language and culture plus the ancient writing to decode to give her a challenge  as this is on the Wednesdays only.

Endeavour accepted and got Fuyumi Todoroki to be shocked as she doesn't know if she can do that as Izumo gave her a time limit to get everything ready as she'll give her the classroom to teach in plus will have a kitchen to allow her to cook lunch for both her and the children making her to accept as a portal of clouds showed up after she got everything and explained to her old bosses about this.

They even told her to accept as it's from a Centillionaire client making them to be pay her even more if they wanted to which's billions than millions making her to be shocked as she's being paid fifty to one hundred million Yens per class with three kids as the fourth was a year-old only and not to be taught until age three or four which's in two or three years.

That's a lot of money in total as Izumo has the list of classes and each days she'll be teaching them making her to have a good start as the first day is the schedule day and introducing herself to them which got her scared, but Izumo introduce her on the first day of school at six o'clock as she had a full breakfast with them, but cause of Izumo before blind...

She had to make the food from clouds with only words and had the clouds transform into the food and then solid them inside as well, too which doubles everything in the food like nutrients, calories and vitamins in the food making Eri, Isis, Kai and Tsukai to have twice what they needed and it kept them very healthy as Eri and Isis has weight on their bodies making them to be better than what they were like before.

'Well, it's time to get to school now.'

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