Sport Fest Festival part 1

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Izumo went to school and told Fuyumi that today's a day off cause of the Sport Fest Festival and the children have permission to watch it making Fuyumi to understand as she looks after the children and Izumo heads to school. she's in a room with her class making her to hate this as she hopes Mineta's gone as this is not a good thing to have a pervert in the class and she hates him.

It's time to walk out as everyone hears over the speakers Present Mic's voice making Izumo to wonder if she should even be doing this, but she wants to do so as she needs to train and this will allow her to do so and she still has her seven internships with her sponsors making her to wonder what they'll be doing as she as a cloud clone to be with them.

"It's U.A's sports festival! The one time each year when our fledgling heroes compete in a ruthless grand battle! Friends turn into enemies as each student competes against each other to earn that top spot! First up, we start with this year' cream of the crop! Yeah! You know who I'm talkin' about!

The miraculous rising stars who brushed off a villain attack with their steely willpower! Bring in the first years of the hero course!" They started walking out into the light, being momentarily deafened by the cheers, but Present Mic's voice still managed to make itself heard above the roar making Izumo to create a noise canceling headphones as her ears are sensitive.

"It's class 1-A!" Izumo wanted to go home and deal with the animals as she saw how the cameras were focused on them, that the people were all looking at her class, still at least they probably wouldn't pay too much attention to her as Present Mic called out a brief introduction for the other hero class.

He then did the same for the general studies, support students and the business course students and all the students have gathered up in the center and Midnight cracked her whip making all of them to shut up as they give her the full attention making Izumo to know Midnight had fun with the wedding crashers before they got thrown into Tartarus.

"Now for the athlete's oath!" Her eye twitched as the students started talking.

"Shut it!" She snapped, cracking her whip again.

"Your student representative this year is... Izumo Midoriya, of class 1-A."

"It must be because she placed first in the entrance exam. Heard she got one hundred percent on the written exam as well, too." Sero said. A girl from one of the other classes scoffed.

"The hero course entrance exam, you mean." Izumo walked up the mic.

"The athlete's oath..." Izumo started, hands in his pockets.

"Make no mistake about it, everyone has their own shares of weaknesses and strengths, but what it truly takes to be a Hero is the guts to face death down and shout straight at them: FUCK OFF, MOTHER FUCKER! I'M AIN'T DYING HERE TODAY! Many could never do it cause they were scared of death, but it's really alright to be scared of it.

We're all human beings and we have every right to be scared of dying one day. It's common, but we need to show how strong we have come from times when we are scared and prove we are brave no matter what really. All of us here are going to prove that our private training we have been doing by our Pro-Hero teachers are going to help us into the bright future.

As long as no one half-ass it, they can still prove themselves to many Heroes here and watching on TV what we are made of and still get noticed. Thank you." Immediately the other students started loudly cheering and clapping cause Izuko's telling the truth making her to walk down as Bakugou and Todoroki knows she means Todoroki/himself for the last part.

"Wow, class 1-A seems to have a real piece of work as their top student." A voice had commented which having appeared next to her after she walked off the stage making her to ignore him as Himiko pulls on his left ear and told him to leave her friend alone or else she'll deal with him making him to agree and begs her to let go of his ear.

"Now! Without any delay, let's get the first event started." Uraraka sweat drops and muttered.

"Everything at U.A.'s without delay."

"These are the qualifiers! It's in this stage that so many are sent home crying every year and I can't wait to see their anguished faces when they realize that they couldn't even make it past the qualifier. The fateful first event for this year is..." The screen seemed to blur as it spun through options.

"This!" Midnight cheered, not looking back at the screen as she continued.

"The obstacle course is a race between every member of all eleven classes! And with each class holding about thirty students, that's three hundred and thirty students competing in a four kilometer lap around the stadium itself! We here at UA pride ourselves on allowing our kids their freedom. Which means..." Midnight fully chuckles.

"So long as you don't go off the course, anything is fair game."

"She said anything, but I doubt that includes murder." A student from another class commented. The light drifted down to one and then it went off.

"GO!" Midnight cried out, cracking her whip as the students charged forward, but the starting gate was too narrow. Izumo used the walls as she climbs up onto someone's shoulder's and jumps from them to the wall and swims out of the tunnel shocking everyone as she has a mermaid tail since her pants got turned into a skirt.

The underwear transform into clams on the end of her tailfin making many to be shocked as she looks behind her and waits for a bit before she turns around and left as she sensed Todoroki's Quirk energy behind her and she has her hair up in a high bun making it far easier for her to keep form having it pulled on and she avoids the robots as she swims around the many robots.

She even had used her tail kicks to be sending the robots at other robots making many to be fully shocked at what they're seeing. All Might's shocked as she's too fast for the others and is fully in the lead with her showing off how strong she is without One For All being used meaning she's trying to keep it on the down side of things.

'She's doing a much better job at it.' It's making him to hope All For One doesn't see her or noticed it at all as Izumo sensed that Bakugou's following her making them both to see the fall making him to blast there.

"Honto, Kaachan? Honto?" Izumo said at him as he looks at her with a smirk as he thought that he got ahead of her, but she used her 'air swimming' ability to swim over and get over the fall and left him in the dust as she can sense danger thanks to Hikage's Quirk in One For All and managed to avoid the mines sicne she's still swimming in the air making many to be shocked as Izumo's too fast for anyone else to keep up with.

It's making Bakugo to eat her dust making him to be furies with her as Izumo's in first place of the Sport Fest Festival making her to watch as the others came in making her to see that Bakugou and Todoroki were in second and third place as it's making her to wonder if anyone else would be ale to keep up with them.

She has Bakugou and Todoroki on a cloud as they watch making Izumo to take a bit of a nap near them, but away to not have them touch her as the others kept doing the first obstacle which has Himiko to be in fourth came in with Uraraka in fourth place, Iida's in fifteenth place. Heck! The whole class of 1-A went for fully fifth to twenty-second place fast!

It's making Aizawa to be shocked as he had then noticed what had happened as Izumo had caused a mess with her clouds and only class 1-A can even get passed it with Himiko getting passed them. Everyone's also shocked as All Might cheers mentally as this is awesome as no one has every done this before. It's making him to know that Izumo's going to be taken this festival by storms.

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