Ashido Gives births, Izumo Talks To Her Brother and Bakugou's Question

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Ashido noticed the date's July 12th making her to be four days late before at nighttime, she left pain and the collars keeping her from screaming as she lays on the floor making her to feel the first head going down the birth canal from the womb through the cervix, the vagina and the vulva making her to feel the baby coming making her to push.

Ashido still doesn't know how many she's carrying making her to worry as the pups are still nursing from her as if to distract her from the pain before the first one came out making the wolf to clean and remove the sac as the pancetta's giving to Ashido without her knowing it as she eats making her to not taste it going into her mouth.

Ashido then felt the second one going down the canal as it's been five minutes making her to push as she needs to get them out of her before the second one came making her to pant as the wolf repeats it as Ashido had to push for the third time after another five minutes as the third one came into the world.

Ashido kept being feed the pancetta after each birth as the fourth one came after five minutes making her to push and then the fourth one came into the world making her to pant as she can't keep this up for long before the fifth one came after five minutes as she had just finished the fourth pancetta the wolf gave her.

the sixth one was larger than the first five making her to feel pain and the pushing was getting harder before they came into the world making her to feel drained as the wolf cleans them and gives her the pancetta before the seventh one started to come as they're the same size as the sixth one making her to feel tired, but got them out of her.

The eighth one started to move making Ashido to push as she got them out after ten minutes since they're a size bigger than the first two making  her to fall asleep, but unaware that she's on her right side with eight extra breast to breast feed the other eight pups making her to be in a deep sleep and not feel anything while in this state of sleep.

The wolf brings them over and they nurse from their mother making Ashido to feel absolutely nothing which means she didn't wake up as the wolf watches over his family and Ashido's blind folded during it as he had cleaned her up after the birthing was done. The next day, everyone went to the mall for the stuff they need.

Ashido couldn't go cause of the pups and couldn't say it, but an excuse left her mouth making them to understand as Ashido's going to be busy for a long time as she sleeps while they nurse from her as the extra breast show up only when feeding time is abound her as the wolf did what he did to her on the first night making her to be very busy.

Izumo has everything, but she wants to talk to her brother making Tomura to be there as they talk and she helps him out about sorting things and then Iida and Uraraka saw her talking to her brother making them to warn the police by phoning it in, but Tsukauchi got it and he didn't send anyone letting Tomura go as he went back home.

Izumo told Ingenium about this and Himiko got Uraraka good that night as Ingenium letchered his brother again making him to see his brother as a lost cause which has him thinking of just disowning his brother at this rate making Iida to freak as Izumo's going to get it from him as she'll never know what's coming.

Bakugou had to ask her about the floating eyeballs once alone making her to look towards him as she didn't expect him to see them as she wonders if she should tell him, but then he'll bug her about it and that's not a good thing as her family expect for Miruko and her grandparents knows she blind making her to accept and just tell him about it.

"Oh, that?" Izumo said as it's getting confusing to Bakugou on how she can see when she's blind actually making him to be concerned that she'll get hurt from this.

"I can see the energies of Quirks hence how I can see people, but the writing is from the floating eyeballs." Bakugou's shocked as this allows her to see making her to warn him fully about her original Quirk that her grandparents just told her about on their second meeting making him to be shocked as she's dying cause of this, but then...

"THAT'S HOW MY FUCKING QUIRK GOT BOOSTED!?" Bakugou shouts in shock as Izumo tries to keep his voice down as she could be killed for having it. Bakugo shuts up after that as he doesn't want to lose her since she's like a little sister to him making him to worry about her which she said she'll be fine since she's immortal now cause of the Quirk.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?!" Bakugou's sooo going to be going grey in the hair cause of her.

"Two weeks before I had to go to the UA exams, I almost died making my heart to be replaced by the Quirk. It removed my heart as a cloud after opening a cloud portal to the chest cavity and used clouds to replace it as it went as a strong heart that can handle the stress of the Quirks. I could then sense a second mind within her own mind space.

I meditated and then saw a being with purple skin and long hair with muscles in the arms and legs. It had lion cloth covering the chest with shorts on making me to see that the eyes were fully black with the right eye being blue iris slitted and the left eye is red iris slitted and the mouth... It looked like the Slit-Mouth Woman's face.

But more the line of Jeff the Killer's face as it's all symmetrical making me to worry, but once I realized that she's me, but as the creature... I cried as I felt sorry for her and I can accept about everything else, but her as living in a body like that would be torturous and I can't live with it and hurt those I love.

Me doing that made the creature to smile as it breaks apart showing myself, but I noticed that she had the same eyes as her old self before they went white. She told me something that I never tried before as I was too scared of the Quirk back then, but not anymore, Kaachan. Not anymore since it's sensitive and wants to protect me.

'You can change your eyes like I did with our experimental Quirk which's called Divine Cosmos.' She told me as she smiles knowing she's not going to be staying for long, but the tow of us fused making the Quirks to be twice as powerful making my new heart to handle it as I cried for my other-self." Izumo said as Bakugou hugs her keeping his skin away from her own skin.

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