Ashido's One Month and One Day long plus Izumo's Twin Children

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Ashido's back home now as she can feel the movement inside of her and took the doctor's warning, but she doesn't want to be pregnant with pups, but she is and she doesn't know how many making her to hate this as she looks down to her one month and one day belly as she wonders why this is happening to her.

Ashido can't understand how this is happening and just wants it to stop making her to feel like it's karma for what she did wrong, but she doesn't remember what she did wrong as she had finally saw what kind of canine that did this to her without him even knowing it as she needs to know what kind of canine pups she's pregnant with.

Northwestern Wolf. Wolf pregnancy: seventy-five days. It's making her to panic as she doesn't even know what to do as she has thirty-eight more days left until she gives birth making her to worry as how many is she going to give birth to making the pups to still nurse from her as the father cleans her down before making her to moan a bit at it.

Ashido's hands and eyes were still in the same position/blinded as the first day making him to be able to reach and clean her up making her to worry as the pups nurse from her still. Ashido can't stop them as the suction was getting too painful and the teeth keep hitting her skin making her to worry she'll have pinch skin there from their teeth.

Ashido doesn't even know how to look after them as she can't just treat them like pets making her to worry as she doesn't know what to do making her to fear as the father might rape her as a punishment for it and she can't stop him as he's huge and can knock her down making her to shiver from that image she had gotten in her head.

Izumo noticed the energies of two children the same age and are two different genders from their voices making her to wonder as she gently picks them up and heads home as she has Tsukauchi to be portaled over making him to see their state which has him upset as he ask them questions and one's deaf and the other's mute making Izumo to use clouds.

She uses them to show them images and that the male adult's a police officer making them to nod and answer the questions as she image the question Tsukauchi askes them as they answer the best they can making him to nod to them while Izumo has paperwork to adopt them as they need a good home and not a shitty one like their previous one.

"Mama and papa were fighting."

"Papa would use her arms to put the cigarettes out."

"Mama... She would put needles in us saying it'll make our Quirks come out faster. She does that everyday until our Quirks came in."

"Papa drinks a lot and hits us with the glass bottles."

"Papa would get mad at me if I don't listen to him."

"Mama... She can't remember anything after papa smacked her hard against the counter."

"Papa forces himself onto mama daily and uses some weird things to keep her screaming as she's locked in their room." Tsukauchi stops there and thanks them as Izumo finished the paperwork and he sent them in for her as Keiko and Maiko are now hers making her to bow and promise to look after them both.

"Eri. Isis. Kai. Tsukai. Can you come here, please?" All four are there after five minutes as Izumo has a mic and has speakers in the house for them to hear her as they come tot he living room and saw two new kids making Izumo to explain they're abused/Quirk Enhancer Victims, so they'll going to be needing some help.

Eri noticed the injuries and Tsukauchi had taking pictures with their permission and Eri heals them making them to feel better and hugs her making her to hug them both as Izumo warns Fuyumi about this and that they'll going to be needing to be having a two week break from school to get use to their new home which she accepts.

Izumo pulls them out of school and told them the plan making them to accept as she wants them to get use to the mansion more as they need to see what's in their new home as they have their own room and she'll check on them each night and will stay with them if they have any kind of nightmares making them to love their new mother more.

Izumo hears the rustle of a tail on the ground with talons clicking on the hard floor making her to politely asked what their Quirks are as Maiko said Keiko's Quirk was Pyrokinesis, but he seems to have nine fox tails like a mutation while she has Terrakinesis Quirk, but with Flash powers and Aerokinesis with her mutation being a Raptor like Dakotaraptor.

Izumo has them fixing the room up to their taste and how they want to making both to nod and was shown to their rooms by Eri and Isis making her to warn her family which got them shocked as that's too much to handle alone, but Izumo got it covered as she has it under control making her to make sure to have more meat for Maiko.

Keiko is going to be needing to have some livers to eat making her to figure this out as she took them all to the hospital for a good physical check-up with her warning the doctors about Eri healing Keiko and Maiko making Maiko to have a hearing-aid as she's deaf in both ears and it's specialized for her raptor ears which's new for them.

Izumo pays and then went home as she figures home schooling Keiko and Maiko would be better for them as she warns Fuyumi about Maiko's mutation with Keiko's as well, too as to not scare her when she meets them making her to understand and thanks her as Shoto's doing a whole lot better and both of them can't wait to see the surprise being revealed.

"Natsuo warned mother and said it's a surprise for father, so no talking about it making Touya to see mom who hugs him crying and saying sorry making him to forgive her." Izumo nods as that's great making her to wonder when Touya plans to reveal himself to his sperm donor as Shoto's calling him papa now making Touya to just fully mess his hair up playfully.

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