Disgrace of a son

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Josh pov:

I woke up to the sound of my brother's horrid screams. I let my eyes adjust to the light and sat up listening to the drama going down in the room nextdoor."Oi! Didn't I say I wanted it in charcoal black not crow black! For god's sake can none of you do anything right." I heard my brother yell followed by the slight mumble of one of our maids. Which was then promptly followed by a loud and hard thud of something hitting the poor maid over the head. I rubbed my eyes glancing into the mirror Infront of me. "Just another normal day for me." I mumbled flattening down my hair. I heard loud footsteps come bolting towards my door and watched as the door to my room burst open. "Oi! Josh get your lazy ass up! It's my 20th birthday meaning I get to take over dad's business so you have to listen to me!" To be fair I saw no logic in what he just said but then again I've never been allowed to know what my dad's company was and why he made so much God damn money I mean we live in a mansion literally covered from head to toe in expensive metals and filled with priceless objects. The other reason is our parents would probably get one of the guards to knock me unconscious and lock me in my room. "Josh! Did you not fucking hear me or is there not enough room in that empty head of yours to understand basic words." My brother said with malice clearly laced in his voice." I'm coming!" I said "don't get your knickers in a twist." I muttered under my breath. He turned around and marched out of my room back down the hallway  to finish getting ready. I stepped into my en-suite bathroom. Marble covered the walls,a matching bathtub sat in the corner with a set of gold plated cabinets next to it. A sink sat in the other corner of the room and a shower head hung low above the bath. Just within arms reach for me you see my brother is ever so slightly taller so in his free time he loves to put my stuff out of reach. I looked into the mirror hanging above the sink and began to brush my teeth . I imagined as each bristle ran across my teeth the struggle my father's business is going to have trying to entertain my brother. I spit out the toothpaste and wiped my mouth. I quickly began to get dressed in the outfit my parents arranged for me. It was a black suit accompanied by a black tie. I put the suit on and slicked back my hair. "I look like I'm going to a funeral" I said and chuckled " yea mine." Something's missing I thought before swiftly placing a light pink beanie atop my head. I exited the bathroom and  my room beginning my descent downstairs. I was mentally preparing myself for the commotion that was about to go down. "How many are there?" My brother said as I entered the room. My father sat at the head of the table with my step mother on his right. Presents lined the room in all kinds of different wrapping and bags.   "36 counted them myself." My father replied. "36? But last year,last year I had 37!!" He roared. " Well son some are quite a bit bigger than last year." My father replied "I don't care how big they are!" My pig of a brother replied. "Huh,me neither." My step- mother replied winking at my father. That is disgusting I thought as I sat down on my side of the table. "Ah,Jason there you are! My father greeted me with. "My name's not Jason." I said with an unsurprised look on my face I'm honestly amazed he managed to at least get that my name began with a j. My dad leaned over to the nearest servant and In the most hushed tone he could muster (which wasn't very hushed) and asked " umm...what's his name again?" 

"Josh sir!" The servant replied. " Ahh yes Josh I bet you're excited for your brother taking over the family business aren't you?" My father said in a really obviously fake happy tone. Now this is the part where I messed up." No not really I feel sorry for your employees having to put up with another pig like him taking over the company" I stated in a very calm manner."what did you say to me boy!" My father yelled as he grabbed me by the collar. "I thought you were ready to respect your brother as the new boss of the family company but apparently not." He continued yelling at me as he threw me to the floor and stamped hard on my chest. "Go to your room you absolute disgrace of a son!" I began to slowly walk back to my room dragging my legs up each step and towards my door.

That day I only ever heard the odd words of my brother and parents conversation. I heard phrases such as "this is the enemy." And " watch your back ." This just sounded like a boring conversation so with that I fell back asleep and didn't awaken for the rest of the day.

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