Many death threats later

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Josh pov

Me and the the boys now permenantly live in the base together in a bunch of spare rooms we had built. We have had to hide ourselves alot more since we were put in prision. Purple gang has not been spotted and everything is going as normal. Ive been alot more on edge recently since proposing. I guess i just fear something bad happening.
I was so zoned out i didnt even realise Narrator had entered the room. "Hello there honey bunch." Narrator said slipping his arms around my waist hugging me. I just turned towards him and hugged back, i didnt feel like talking today. The rest of the boys then entered behind me and flopped onto the sofa in my office. "mate these new recruits are fucking stupid." mully said face planting the sofa. "come on man it cant be that bad not like they cant even throw a knife." juicy said nonchalantly. "but they CANT. The only one who did it somewhat right was a kid named kris." mully said lifting his face slightly again. "ok so maybe that is a problem. Ill take their next class if you want." Eddie offered. "yea i can assist too." narrator tagged on removing his hands from my waist.  i removed myself from my chair and flung myself onto the sofa so i was laying across eddie and juicys lap. I grabbed the tv remote from the coffee table and clicked onto my usual cartoons.

Time skip

Eddies pov

"come on narrator." i said shoving josh off my lap and onto mully and half asleep juicys. Of course josh began to complain but was quickly shut up by a small kiss on the cheek. Me and narrator began making our way to the room where the 'trainees' should be. When we walked in there was a large huddle of them they were all in about their late teens to early 20s and most still seemed to act immature. I paid no attention to them until i overheard a small group of them sniggering and pointing at narrators arm which i knew he was still concious about. "Omg look at his arm" one said. "yea he probably lost it because hes too weak." another said "why should we be taught by a cripple he probably cant even pick stuff up." a girl joked. I saw narrator try to hide his hand behind his back having probably heard what they were saying. So like any logical gang member, i threw a knife at them and watched  as it slashed the girls cheek. I walked up to her and slightly bent down to her height. "You do NOT Talk about your superiors like that." i said to her very sternly keeping direct eye contact whilst retrieving my dagger from the wall. "oi! You dont talk to my girl like that and the only people superior to us are the boss and his right hand capos." another one of the brats said. 'josh give me strength so i dont beat the shit outta these little cunts.' i thought as i was about 2 words away from snapping that kids throat. I stood back up and marched to the front of the room where Narrator stood. "now since apparently according to mully you guys are useless were going right back to basics." narrator said in a deep voice.  "oh come on were not babies we can fight just as good as any green gang member that fat bitch didnt know what he is talking about." that same brat said. 'im actually about to knock the lights out of this bitch.' but before i could say anything narrator held direct eyecontact with the kid and said in his very deep narrator voice. "look here you little shit you might think you have power here but you dont i dont care for you i could put a fucking axe through your skull and not get in trouble for it because of the power i hold in this gang now you listen to us or your parents will recieve your severed head in a box and trust me ive done it once i will do it again. I love the taste of my enemies blood and rich spoiled brat cant be much different." he said before swapping back to his usual more cheerful tone. I watched all the kids shudder at narrators statement but i just went along with it and continued teaching. A little while later josh appeared to come check on how everything was going and oh boy. Those brats FUCKED up. Josh was just stood there watching. Me and Narrator didnt notice him since we were preoccupied with showing these two kids how to throw knives. These two were doing impressively and were very respectful unlike some kids. The problem with us not realising meant that those brats had time to yell something stupid. The stupid words that was decided was going to be yelled across the room was "who does that guy think he is hes watching like a right perv i bet hes best friends with that fat guy and the cripple." me and narrator quickly looked up and our face drained themselves of colour to the point we nearly passed out.  Josh stepped forward and this one wasnt like his usual happy im just fucking with you walk this was his someones gonna end up dead walk. "What did you just say to me?" josh said his voice showing slight anger. " I said who do you think you are." the kid retorted sassily. "James, who the fuck do you think you are." narrator yelled at the kid. James just shrugged and rolled his eyes at us. "Boss im so sorry i didnt think he'd act like this we were just so-" i said as me and narrator got on one knee bowing  fearing for everyone in heres lives. I was silenced by josh sharply raising his hand. "wait, did you just just say boss?" james asked fear filling his eyes. "eddie" josh said putting his hand out "give me your dagger." he said not looking away from the now fearful james. I fumbled around in my pocket and grabbed my dagger passing it to josh. I looked to the rest of the kids who looked just as scared. "now james," josh said moving closer "your going to learn what happens when you insult not just me but my fiances too." It all happened so fast one moment james was trying to apologise, the next he was yelling in agony with a gaping stab wound in the side of his chest. James was taken to the nursing bay and josh handed me back my dagger. "see you later love you." he said kissing me and narrator before leaving. Me and narrator stood up and stretched after being bent down for a while it hurt standing up. "YOUR DATING THE BOSS!" one kid yelled. "yep and even if hes a bit phycotic we still love him." i replied. "How you looked horrified just then." another said. "oh no we weren't scared for us we were scared for you we didnt know how many if any of you he could have possibly killed." narrator said "now back onto the lesson."

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