The end...or is it?

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A few weeks later...
Josh's pov:

Me and the boys were all snuggled together on the sofa. We had been all over the news a security camera on the pavilion had caught most of the fight though you couldn't see our faces too well. Smashing had made narrator a prosthetic arm that could tell him how charged the leviathan was and juicy had got a lot better at using his powers. We were sat watching a movie together in our house we have aswell as the base. Suddenly a bunch of lights outside filled the sky and sirens filled our ears. "This is the FDLE come out with your hands up." Was yelled out we got up and walked to the door preparing for what was about to come it was only a matter of time before we were caught.  We stepped out with our hands in the air and we're all quickly slammed against a cop car and put in handcuffs. "Your being arrested on the suspicion of being part of green gang you have right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in court." An officer said to us. We were put in the back of the cars and driven to the station. We knew we were gonna be found guilty I mean we literally all have 'green gang for life!' tattooed on us. So when we're were stood in the court room and the judge said "you are found guilty and sentenced to life inprisonment with no parole." We were led out of the court room and many people surrounded us being kept back by other officers. Many reporters and other people began bombarding us with questions and began yelling sleurs and stuff at us. I could tell the boys were aggrevated they couldn't do anything about the environment but we got into the cop cars and were taken to the jail where would be kept for the rest of our lives. We made many friends and enemies and served several years before one day.

Smashing pov:

It had been seven years since the boys were imprisoned and people still mentioned it. I took over until either the boys escaped or until they were released.i was sat in a coffee shop when suddenly a bullet flew through the window smashing my mug. I cleaned up the spilled coffee when suddenly a letter that had not been there before was sat on the table. I picked it up and opened it. It read:

Dear smashing, for years I have been planning and tonight it shall finally take action. 9:37 tonight the boys shall finally be free. Meet them at the address listed below. I wish you luck.
'Crystal springs cemetery Florida'

Ellie aka juicys dreams

Wait the boys are breaking out. I ran out of the coffee shop and back to the base Josh's office had been left untouched until now. I grabbed some small lockets out of the left hand drawer and ran into my office and drove to Crystal springs cemetery. I didn't do much until then I just sat listening for any signs of them and scrolled on my phone. Suddenly a news article caught my eye nefarious members of green gang known as the boys broke out at 21:37pm. I suddenly saw several pairs of shoes emerge from the shadows followed by some familiar faces. "Good to see you boys." I said walking towards them. "Hey smashing!" Mully said coming to hug me. "Man jail must have really done a number on you guys mully, hugging me?" I said. They began to laugh. "So what's your plans now that your free?" I said. "Return back to the base and hope our positions havent been taken " Josh said. "no they haven't everything has been left as it was." I said as we began to walk back to the base. We arrived back in front of that smile plastered on the wall and walked back into the base. "It feels good to be home." Juicy said as he sat in Josh's desk chair and spun around.

It had now been years and the boys were living their best lives. They still ran green gang and the other day whilst out to dinner Josh proposed. The boys are getting married soon and life was going swell. Well I guess that's the end of their tragic tale.

Or is it?

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