Smashing + Goofy Gwape

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It was a few weeks after purple gang broke in and we were relatively back to normal.Anita had been replaced by a guy named smashing he was incredibly fun to mess with. if I'm honest I have purposely walked up to him intimidatingly just to see how he reacted. It wasn't the same without Anita and the rest of the boys understood I was grieving. The boys walked into my office which had now been fixed and sat in some chairs in front of me. "Right boys," i said preparing for what we had to do "when me and mully were hiding in the bunker during the raid we found out purple gang had a tracker on us which has now been destroyed and somehow had some inside details. We also know they have taken something but we don't know what and smashing said everything is accounted for."
They looked at me confused "so what could they have possibly taken?" Juicy asked looking at me. "I don't know but we have found the location of their base thanks to smashing and are going to scout out there base,see what we can find." I said standing and pacing around the room. "we must not be seen or caught for we do not want to initiate anything. Do I make myself clear?" I asked stopping just in front of them and side eyeing them. They nodded in agreement. "We will leave at nightfall. Until then I'm going to go fuck with smashing." They chuckled and then stood up leaving the room to go do whatever they wanted until it was time to go. I walked out of my office and down the hallways to were smashing is situated I straightened my posture and dropped all emotion from my face. I stopped in front of a door that had crazy patterns drawn on it in paint pen and said in big bold letters 'office of smashing do not disturb 15:00-15:45' from the time stamp there was a small arrow towards a weird looking character who sort of resembled a grape. In sharpie it said 'during these times I will be watching goofy gwape so unless your missing a limb don't bother me' I mean he knows his stuff and has his own interests so I guess it's fine he watches this I mean I watch a cartoon about silly little brushes so I can't say anything about the matter. I twisted the knob and walked in smashing sat in his desk chair with his back turned to me. He was watching something, the same purple character on his door suddenly flashed on the screen and he began giggling like a maniac. His mid length curly dirty blonde hair swished as he shifted in his chair. "smashing?" I asked kind of unnerved by his laughter. His head snapped to the side before he swiveled his chair around to face me. "Goofy gwape!" He yelled pointing at the screen . "Do you want to watch it with me Josh?" He asked an unnerving smile on his face."Umm, no thanks maybe another time, I was just coming to check on you do you need me to go? I'll,I'll come back later if you want." I said nervously backing away towards the door. His eyes watched me like hawks and the second I could reach the door handle I grabbed it and sprinted out of there slamming the door behind me. His maniacal laughing continued. 'I really need a drink after that' I thought 'tequila or vodka?' another person suddenly caught my attention " um smashing in there boss?" They asked very clearly nervous. "Yes...I think? I wouldn't go in there if I were you I have seen another side of him when he's watching goofy gwape and I don't know if Its a good thing." I replied.

An hour or so later I came back to check on smashing yes I was slightly drunk but that doesn't matter I need to tell smashing he needs to prepare our stuff for the mission. I walked back down the same hallways and stopped in front of the same colourful door I was scared he was going to be still in his maniacal state so I hesitated before twisting the door knob and pushing the door open.  Smashing was still sat in his chair but this time he was facing the door. He was Tinkering with something on his desk. "Smashing?" I asked ready to sprint out the room again. "Yessssssssss?" He asked his looking towards me. "Are you back to normal now?" He nodded and lifted up a small device. "Try this for us would ya?" He asked handing it to me. I placed it on my ear. "I need to check it's working. Would you mind walking out to the lobby so I can test the range." I began walking to the lobby. Every so often he would ask 'can you hear me' and 'can others hear me' when I got to the lobby and told him I could still hear him he said he needed to test how sound proof they were. So like the madman he is he yelled goofy gwape into the communicator. The whole room turned to look at me,all chatter stopped, you could hear a pin drop. "Smashing everyone hear that." I said backing away from the prying eyes. I returned the small device to him and decided to begin preparing for the mission.

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