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Me and the boys had got wasted. I woke up tangled between the rest of the boys laid on the floor. I pulled myself out of narrators grasp on my waist untangled my legs from between mully and juicy and pulled my arms out of Eddie grasp. I stepped lightly as to not wake the boys and grabbed some paracetamol out of my desk before walking towards smashing office to see if he had worked out whatever that was yesterday. I opened the door to find smashing staring at the sample on his desk and a piece of paper next to it. "Smashing?" I asked. he didn't look up. "Smashing?" I asked raising my voice slightly. Still no reply. "SMASHING?" I yelled causing him to look up. "Sorry sorry I didn't hear you come in do you need something?" He asked seemingly very tired. "You find anything out?" I asked lowering my voice. I could tell he hadn't slept. Something has kept him up and I don't he would appreciate getting yelled at, at the moment. "Yeah." He said pausing before continuing with "you might want to see this." He pointed to the paper on his desk. I walked towards him and sat in the chair across from him on his desk. He passed me the piece of paper and I  looked down at it. The paper said that the blood sample 100% came from smashing. "But here's the thing." He said opening his laptop I went through everything on his communicator, every message, every order and one thing stood out to me." He said turning his computer towards me. All of the messages and conversations on the communicators were displayed. "Notice something." He said. I shook my head in agreement and pointed towards when his name was mentioned. "Every time they have mentioned other mes name they haven't called him smashing." He started taking a breath before continuing. "They referred to other me as 'repairing' which is the opposite of smashing." He said looking at me. "But why would they call him that I asked." Maintaining direct eye contact with him. "I thought you would ask that." He said turning his computer back around before facing it towards me again. "I was looking at the security camera footage and the reason I couldn't work out what they took is because it wasn't a physical object that would be accounted for." He said. He showed me on the footage a purple gang member rubbing a swab around the neck of his suit like what he did to collect the DNA of the dead version of him. "I think," he said stopping the footage and most likely thinking of the best way to phrase what he was about to say. "I think," he began again with. "I think that night when you were caught in the purple gang base, I think they wanted you to escape." He said. I looked towards him and motioned for him to continue. "You said you heard them mention something about a specimen?correct?" He said typing away on his computer again. I nodded. He turned fully to face me. "Well I think that specimen was him and I think they wanted you to escape because every single one of the boys came back with scratches or small pieces of clothing ripped off. I think they did that on purpose I mean think about it if they got your guys DNA that would mean their able to make stronger more effective versions of yourselves so they could beat you because you said that other version of me was me but if I was alot stronger I mean he almost took all 5 of you out imagine 5 versions of yourselves " he said looking at me with fear in his eyes. "Shit." I said standing up quickly." We have got to warn the others." "Come smashing." I said running out his office smashing in pursuit. I reached my office doors and stopped. I full force kicked them in pulling them off their hinges. The boys woke up with a start grabbing their weapons ready to fight someone. "Jesus Christ Josh you didn't need to kick the doors off their hinges." Mully said groggily."just wake us up more gently next time." Narrator said stretching and standing. "get up now we need to prepare." I said shifting through my desk for some paper to write notes down smashing put his laptop down and opened the blinds. The boys sensing my urgency shot up. "What's wrong?" Eddie asked still half asleep. I motioned for smashing to show them. "So the other day when you guys fought other me." He began with the rest of the boys nodded along in agreement each of them sparing glaces towards me. "Well Josh said he was like me but alot more stronger and I went through all the messages and conversations on his communicator." He said looking at the boys. "Ok and ?" Juicy asked "have you found some top secret plan to disable us or something?" Juicy lazily continued with. "Worse." Smashing replied. This caught the boys attention." Well that other me when I tested his sample it came back as a direct copy of me and all the messages he was referred to as 'repairing' aka the opposite of smashing. So do you get where I'm going with this?" He asked. "So they made a direct copy of you but stronger." Narrator said. "Yes exactly and the other day when you were caught in the purple gang base I think they wanted you to escape." Smashing continued with. " You all came back with cuts or scratches or ripped clothing meaning they now have your DNA which means if they do the same as this they can create 5 duplicates of you guys that are stronger and faster and I mean you struggled to stop 1 of me imagine 5 versions of yourselves." He said practically yelling. The boys seemed confused but then it suddenly clicked. "Oh we're doomed." Mully said. "But how are we even sure about them doing that." Juicy asked. "We're not that's why we need to sneak back in but how?" I replied with. "Wait." Juicy suddenly said. "Do purple gang know other smashing is dead?" He asked. "No why?" Smashing replied with. "What if smashing took his place and snuck back into the base? He could scout it out and then say he was going to try find us because he was annoyed we got away the other day and then we can take his monitor offline so they think we killed him." Juicy said pointing at smashing."that could work." I said "but what about if they ask him to fight someone and he's not as strong as other him." I asked. "don't worry I've got that covered." Smashing said slightly grinning. "Right it's settled tonight smashing sneaks back into the purple gang base to scope it out." I said motioning for him to get ready

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