Double headed toothbrushes and playing cards

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I had an hour or so before the boys would arrive and I was prepared for our mission later so I decided to have some alone time to ,just like smashing, watch one of my favorite cartoons. Unlike smashing though my favourite cartoon consisted of double headed tooth brushes. Now to the average person this looks a bit weird but when you genuinely sit down and watch it it's really entertaining. I sat down in my chair and clicked a button which pulled a TV out from the ceiling. I took the remote in my hand and began scrolling through the episodes til I found the one I was at. In the episode I was watching the brushes had saved up lots of money and had become 'rich brushes'. I sat there watching the episode laughing at all the well timed jokes for hours and I had got that invested in it I didn't hear the Creek of my office door. I sat there continuing to watch my cartoon when I was suddenly startled by strong arms being wrapped around my waist. I jumped and grabbed the remote quickly clicking off the cartoon before turning around to be face to face with juicy. He was grinning and I looked behind him to see the rest of the boys smirking mischievously. "I,um I can umm explain I was just um." I began to stumble on my words in embarrassment. The boys began laughing hysterically. "So umm how long have you been stood there?" I asked nervous for what they were going to say. Eddie stepped forward kissing my head lightly before sitting down in one of the chairs swiftly followed by the rest of the boys minus juicy who was still hugging me." Mi amor," Eddie said turning to look at me "we were stood there for like 20 minutes." I blushed in embarrassment from being caught watching something so childish. Mully suddenly added on "but that doesn't mean you don't look cute when you shaking in excitement from your favorite characters doing something.' I just got even more embarrassed by this and you could tell judging by the look on the rest of the boys faces they were enjoying embarrassing me. I slouched further into the hoodie I was wearing trying to get myself away from their eyes. "Josh don't hide it's fun to thing a 'big strong mafia boss likes to sit and watch cartoons." Juicy said removing his arms from my waist and using his hands for quotation marks on 'big strong mafia boss'. I chuckled then realized that we were getting distracted. "Right boys." I said putting the distractions to the side. "Smashing found a purple gang base and we're going to check it out." I said. They all tensed up. "Smashing has gotten everything ready for us. So we must go down to the armory and go scout out this purple gang base do you understand that we must NOT get caught under any circumstances." I said putting emphasis on NOT getting. "Yes boss." They replied before standing and getting ready to go towards the armory. When they had their backs turned to me I added on to my previous statement of NOT getting caught with a simple "cough cough juicy." Of course mully heard this and began laughing. The rest of boys and turned around to face me and mully. "What's so funny?" Narrator asked with a genuine look of confusion on his face. Mully pointed at me before saying "Josh,Josh tell em what you said." He said almost falling over from laughter. "He said we must NOT under any circumstances get caught. What's funny about that?" Eddie asked looking at us. I covered my mouth before turning slightly away and fake coughing and saying juicys name half way through before continuing to fake cough. It suddenly clicked in the boys minds and narrator and Eddie began laughing. Juicy on the other hand shot his hands up In defense "it was one time." He yelled. We left my office and continued joking with juicy about the NOT GETTING CAUGHT fiasco. We soon arrived in the armory where smashing was sat checking everything we needed. Smashing turned in his chair and silently handed me something. "This is for Incase of emergencies." He whispered holding direct eye contact with me. I put it in a pocket on my jacket. He handed Eddie a set of daggers they were incredibly pointy and had neon green accents on the handle with a black blade with neon green splattered on it and his suit. Narrator was handed the leviathan along with a glove that told him how much energy the leviathan had stored aswell as his suit. Mully was handed a sniper rifle with a night vision scope attached to the top with a silencer attached. It was a sleek black gun with his name graffitied on the side in green and his suit. Juicy was not given anything other than his suit for all he needed was his headset. He had been practicing and can do alot of cool stuff with that headset the only time he ever took it off was so smashing could bullet proof it. Lastly, I was given my suit which like the rest of the boys was mainly black apart from some green highlights on the belt and shins. just above the belt our suit cut in a bit revealing some skin and our suits cut off at the shoulder armour we were given bullet and explosion proof arm sleeves. Weapon wise I was not given a fancy gun or daggers no I was handed something you could just buy from any old shop and is not seen as a weapon by most. You see my weapon of choice is a deck of playing cards. No their poisonous or have razors in them their just regular old playing cards but they can sure as hell hurt if your skilled enough. Smashing handed us all the communicators he'd made allowing us to talk and hear eachother without being caught. Eddie put another bandana over his mouth covering from his nose to his chin and mully lifted his hood up that blocked out his eyes. We then slipped out of the green gang base and into the night.

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