Collecting boyfriend's like guns (4/4)

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I was woken up by the sound of gunshots and someone hurriedly picking me up. I squinted my eyes open to see mully holding me and dashing into my office. He began frantically looking around for something I was still in a daze from just being woken up. He placed me down and began feeling about for something. A faint clicking noise filled my ears and I watched as the painting sat on the wall opened to reveal a secret hidden bunker. He picked me back up and ran inside locking the door behind us. "Mully?" I asked slowly waking up fully. He looked down at me in his arms and placed me down."why are we in the bunker this is for emergencies only?" I questioned still feeling very tired. "I was sleeping soundly why did you have to wake me up?" Mully looked at me. "Boss" he said sighing and looking me right in the eyes. "Purple gang broke into the base." All sleepiness suddenly left my body and was replaced by adrenaline. "What how?!?" I yelled. Mully put his hand on my mouth to silence me. We listened carefully. I heard the doors to my office burst open followed by multiple voices. "Where is he?" One voice said. "I don't know?" Another said. "He should be right here!" A third said. Suddenly a familiar sounding voice spoke above the others. "I thought you said the tracker was working!" The voice yelled. Another voice further down the hall yelled to them. "We got what we need let's go." Another voice called back "did you get rid of the rest of 'the boys'?" A deep voice yelled back in affirmation.I heard their footsteps become quieter before I burst into tears. Mully walked towards me and hugged me. "I'm sure their fine." He said in a very gruff voice. "There not going to be killed that easily." I continued crying. I soon began whailing. "Hey,hey what's wrong?" he said worry laced in his voice. I began to panic. Ringing filled my ears and my sight became blurry. My mind began to panic 'are they really dead?why?what happened? How did they find us? The few people I thought actually loved me are gone! Why couldn't it have been me? I had to have been asleep! I'm useless narrator was wrong!' my thoughts became scrambled. Just as I felt I couldn't breathe anymore  everything stopped, the ringing,the thoughts,the crying,the blurriness everything just stopped. My surroundings became visible again and I very quickly realized that I was sat in mullys lap he had a death grip on me and sounded like he was on the brink of tears. I turned around to face him and looked very closely at him. His eyes were red and puffy his mouth was slightly agape and he had lost his beanie in the rush. I leaned forward slightly and he looked at me seemingly confused. I don't know what happened but the next thing I knew I was kissing him. It wasn't a gentle kiss but it wasn't a passionate one either. It was more a kiss of reassurance that everything will be ok. The tender moment I was having with mully suddenly came to an abrupt stop. I shot up out of mullys lap. "We need to go check on them they might still be alive!" I said with urgency. He shot up and opened the door. We looked around the place was destroyed. Books were everywhere, bullets and weapons laid on the floor, dead bodies were slumped against the walls. Me and mully walked out of my office. We were distressed by the sight around us. People we were talking to mere hours ago now lay dead on my office floor. We began our search for the boys grabbing a first-aid kit before continuing on. We walked out into the main hall where several people were helping injured members up. Some of them turned to us. No members other than the boys and Anita have ever seen me weak and distraught but this was the one acception. "Where,where are they?" i asked my voice quite and cracked. "Where are they?" I begged. One of them spoke up " i saw 2 of them enter the main atrium but I don't know where the other went." They looked at me understanding the pain I was in right now. Me and mully suddenly took off running. Usually I'm not that fast but this time to say I was running was an understatement. I was full throttle sprinting towards the atrium. "Boys!" Mully yelled nearly tripping on a decapitated body. We entered the atrium and began searching through the piles of bodies and between the injured and surviving people. Our necks suddenly snapped to the left of us when we heard a very deep cough and a familiar sounding slightly higher pitched voice telling them to be careful getting up. "Narrator,Juicy!" Me and mully yelled in unison bolting towards them. I leapt at narrator to hug him who did hug back but groaned and gripped onto his left shoulder. "Are you ok?" Mully asked. "I have some bandages." I felt relieved for a moment before realizing Eddie is still missing. "Shit where's Eddie?" I said suddenly panicked again. "I think he went towards Anita's office." Juicy said in a funny voice making me laugh. That's the good thing about juicy he can make me laugh in very bad circumstances. Mully bandaged up narrator and we began our sprint towards where Eddie was last seen. When we began nearing Anita office we saw Eddie. He was bundled up in a corner gripping at his knees  tears were streaming down his face. I ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug. He pushed himself away scared not realizing it was me at first. He suddenly calmed slightly before shifting to sit slightly closer to me again. He looked over to Anita's office door. Me and the rest of the boys looked over, the door was slightly open and the lock had broke. Mully leaned over and gently placed a wipe on a cut on the side of his head. We looked at him worry on our faces.'how can a man so strong become like this in mere moments.' I thought looking closely at him. "I'm so sorry boss,so,so sorry." He began mumbling repeatedly. "What's wrong Eddie? What happened? Are you ok?" Juicy said reaching out to Eddie. The usually happy atmosphere around him was gone and replaced with a feeling of fear. "I tried,I really tried and I failed I deserve to just be dead." He said looking over at Anita's office again. "Eddie what happened?" I said sternly. "They came in through the front door and began shooting people like they were wooden targets. I ran towards Anita's office to warn her but a purple gang member had already got to her. They had a knife to her throat and threw a gun at me and said if I didn't shoot myself they would slice her throat. I couldn't do it. It's all my fault." He grabbed juicy and began crying into his chest. I stood up and walked towards Anita's door. 'am I really ready for this?' I thought twisting the door knob and pushing it. The sight I saw shock me and I stumbled back. "No no no no no I cant be no." I yelled crying. Anita's lifeless body sat slumped in her chair blood staining her suit she had on and her emerald green eyes looking straight at me. Fear was only thing to be seen on her face and blood trickled down her neck where it had been slashed a bloody handprint gripped her neck. "I'm sorry" Eddie said coming up behind me and hugging me. I spun around "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" i yelled Eddie stepped back his face red and puffy. "ITS YOUR FAULT SHES DEAD JUST ACCEPT THAT IT WOULDVE BEEN BETTER OFF IF YOU WERE DEAD!" I yelled at him. I watched tears fill his eyes but I was too angry at him to care. "Whoa man chill!" Mully said stepping in-between us. "DONT 'WHOAH MAN CHILL' ME AT LEAST YOU STILL HAVE SOMEONE THAT CARES FOR YOU SHE WAS THE ONLY I HAD CLOSE TO A MOTHER LEFT AND HE TOOK HER FROM ME!" i yelled stomping off back towards my office. I heard Eddie's pathetic whailing like that will do anything I hope a kangaroo steps on his neck and kills him. I sat in my office looking at the floor staring and not looking up even when someone entered the room. It was mully"hey boss" he said kind of awkwardly. "What do you want !" I snapped anger laced in my voice. I began biting on my fingers to calm my nerves. He continued trying to get my attention but I just ignored him he was trying to stand up for that pathetic man. His sudden yelling caught my attention"JOSH DUB THAT WAS WAY TO FAR, IT WASNT HIS FAULT AND I WANT YOU TO APOLOGIZE FOR IT!" He said stepping closer. "No he deserves everything I said" I replied. "Josh if that was you to any of our family members do you think we would have done that hmm?" He said getting even closer. "No." I said turning so our faces were mere inches apart. He leaned even closer and kissed me lightly. I hummed. "Now" he said stroking my hair. "Go apologize to Eddie love ok?"  I looked at him nodding slightly still being defiant on the matter. "He's distraught Josh he thinks he has to kill himself because of how angry you were with him juicy and narrator have had to take everything off of him so he doesn't do anything stupid so go apologize, ok?" I nodded in agreement and stood up. "I love you." Mully said lightly kissing my cheek before walking out. I walked down the hallways of people who were getting helped and were grieving. I walked nearer to the room Eddie was in and heard lots of commotion. I peaked my head around the door. "Give me my dagger back, he said I was better off dead so just let me do it." Eddie said trying to steal his daggers from narrators grasp. I felt ashamed that this is what I caused. For one of my own teammates to want to slit his own throat."I SAID GIVE ME MY DAGGER BACK." he said when I suddenly heard narrator and juicy begin yelling for him to stop.I walked in and looked towards Eddie silently. They all stared at me. Eddie had one of his daggers to his throat.  "I'm so sorry Eddie." I said running towards him and hugging him."I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know what came over me but I'm sorry ok don't do it please I need you,we need you." I said gripping at his shirt. " I'm sorry too." He murmured. "No you have nothing to be sorry about now come here you piece of shit." I said kissing him passionately. Mully walked in happy to see we were back to being idiots. I walked over to him and kissed him. "dawg your really collecting boyfriend's like guns right now arent you." Eddie said from behind me. "You can just never have enough." I bent down and pulled my shoe off throwing it at him."shut up!" I said as all the rest of the boys broke out in laughter.

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