Chapter 15: Relationships Part 2

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I asked Shiro to check if everyone was in the dinner hall and since he never came back that means that everyone was. I told Madie to come in when I said 'I have a surprise for Allura and Coran'. I entered the room and stopped at the opposite end of the Allura and coran was standing next to her. "Kenya, do you know why there is an extra plate?" Coran asked and I took a deep breath. "Coran, Allura I know that this might seem weird for you but I have a surprise for you." I said and I looked back at the door and Maddie came in and stood next to me holding my hand.

"This is Maddie. She is my girlfriend." I said and they gave me a weird look and I continued "Well on earth you can have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and that is the person that you are in a relationship with." Then they seemed to understand a little more. Finally it was time for my final plan. I squeezed Maddie's hand three times and she squeezed back then, I kissed her and Allura said "Oh, I get it" and she said that she would explain it to Coran later. Then we all sat down and enjoyed a meal.

I caught Coran on my way out and I asked "Coran, does the bed in my room expand to fit two people?" Then he said "Yep. Many of the paladins had a significant other they would sleep with." He said and I think that he figured out what me and Maddie were. "Oh, now I get it!" He shouted and we made a plan. I would take Maddie and Gray on a walk by the window area while Coran would expand my bed and he said that he would add color changing lights.

Time skip


I was walking along with Maddie and we were holding hands while Gray was walking next to me. Maddie then stopped at the perfect place and Gray stood off to the side "Kenya, We have been together for a long time and I know that we haven't seen each other in a while but I really want to have the same relationship like we did before I left." She said "You mean being in the same room?" I questioned and she looked at me and nodded. I looked over to Gray and he nodded at me meaning that it was time to head back to the room.

I looked into her eyes and moved my hands from her palms to her wrists and I started running with her. I kept ignoring her as I ran to the room then when I got in front of the door I stopped and opened the door. She looked in and saw a queen bed in the room with two night stands and color changing lights around the top of the walls and around the door. I opened the closet and showed her that we both had a side just like back at the garrison.

She ran over and hugged me for a moment then she grabbed a pair of pajamas and ran into the bathroom. When she came out I went in to see that she had stacked some pillows and was laying on them waiting for me. I climbed under the covers and layed on her stomach then I saw that Gray was laying on the floor so I invited him onto the bed and he fell asleep at my feet. I fell asleep soon after that and little did I know but two ladies opened the door and saw me and Maddie asleep after that they left and everyone went to bed themselves.


I was on a Galra cruiser running away for something and I turned the corner to see everyone including Maddie waiting for me. Then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and looked down to see a blade going right through me and my armor. I saw the look on Maddie's face as I fell to the ground.

"You witch!" Maddie yelled as she held me in her arms. Then she looked down at me and said "Come on Kenya don't leave me!" She yelled. I was slipping out of consciousness and I said something that I couldn't hear before it all went black.

Kenya's POV

I woke up and looked over to see that Maddie was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her so I just layed there and looked at the ceiling. I haven't had bad nightmares for a long time and only Maddie knew how bad they could get. I felt Maddie shift and I knew that she was up and I looked at her. "What's wrong?" She asked in a sleepy voice and I looked at her for a moment until I said "Maddie I was going to wait to tell you this because I was really happy that you were back and it was all going right." She gave me a concerned look and sat up as she looked at me and I also sat up and said "Maddie I have been having nightmares again. You and Shiro are the only ones who know but I'm scared it's going to get bad again." I felt tears in my eyes and I hugged Maddie.

She hugged me and said "It's ok we will get through this." And she got up from bed and grabbed a pair of slippers and I also got up and put my Gray lion slippers on. After that we went to the kitchen and we walked in and I didn't notice Shiro was there until he decided to make himself present. "What are you doing?" He questioned and Maddie said "Making tea for me and my girlfriend" and she continued to make tea. "Maddie makes the best tea!" I said excitedly then we all talked for a little while and went back to bed.

(994 Words)


Hey I hope you like the filler chapter for Maddie and Keny and I will now be returning to the regular plot. Have a great week. Happy Reading!!!❤


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