Twenty Seven.

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"You said we was going to a party, you didn't say it was your girl party

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"You said we was going to a party, you didn't say it was your girl party." Ja said to Jaren as soon as he seen Ren.

"I might have forgot to mention that." Jaren responded "But it's good, we here.." Jaren looked around at the amount of people that was there before turning back to Ja "we bout to have fun."

Ja shook his head and pulled his phone out, sending D-Tap his location. He looked back up to see Jaren no longer in front of him so his eyes quickly scanned the room to look for him. As soon as he found him, the very next person he seen was India. She walked past and said something to Jaren, making both of them laugh.

He didn't expect to see her tonight but now that he did, all those feelings he tried to push off rapidly came back. She stood there talking to Jaren for a few seconds and Ja watched her the whole time. It wasn't until she walked off that he went over to where Jaren was.

The party had went on for a couple of hours. It was around 1 in the morning when people started to leave and it was only a few people left there, mainly the people that were actually going to stay. India had managed to avoid Ja the entire night. It was a big enough place and enough people there to stay clear from him but now that everyone was gone, that became a bit harder.

"Now that's it's not so damn loud in here, let's play Resha Roulette!" Liyah pulled the box out and started to unwrap the cards.

The girls went into the living room, grabbing shot glasses and a couple of bottles as they sat around the table. Two of their other friends were actually still there so they played too.

"Take a shot if you sucked dick while ya man driving" Ren read the first card as all the girls looked around at each other before grabbing their glasses.

"What type of shit y'all on" Jaren's head turned quick to look over at them once he heard the question. Everyone was pretty much in one room. The only boys that were still there was Jaren and his friend and of course Ja and now D-tap. None of them were really paying attention to the game until now.

"Take a shot if you cheated and got a std"

"oh nah" India turned her face up hearing the card. One of their other friends started to pick up a bottle and pour her shot as everyone looked at her

"you cheated on Donte and got a std!?" Ren asked her friend as everyone was still staring at her waiting for the answer too. "Hell no!" She said finally looking up at everyone looking at her "I was just getting my next shot ready"

"OH!" "Oh Aightt" everybody started to say in unison as they laughed.

"Take a shot using your mouth only, no hands allowed." India read her card as the girls automatically hyped up. "I would be the one to have to actually do something." India laughed as she slid off the couch, sitting on the floor on her knees in front of the table before Ren sat the shot in front of her. All the girls had their phones out recording her so she looked at the cameras and smiled before leaning down wrapping her lips around the glass and tossing her head back, taking the shot.

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