The City

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"Xinadra Scotia, a fallen noble from a city in the south. A former resident... of Gantz?"

"Perfect! Now, let's reunite with those three insufferable gentlemen."

Before long, they returned to face the three military officers who were now seated at their resting post on a row of chairs near the edge of the soundproof room.

"So, have you made up your mind about turning this scoundrel into a servant of the Honora family?" one of the soldiers inquired.

"Yes. I have reached out to the core family, and they have agreed to abide by my judgment," responded the middle-aged man.

"Very well, then. Who will handle the administrative requirements and oversee the process?" the soldier asked.

The middle-aged man furrowed his brow, deep in thought. He could have assigned another Honora family servant to handle the time-consuming tasks. However, he needed someone he could trust, someone who wouldn't interfere too much. He had a few subordinates who fit the criteria, but he remained uncertain.

In the end, Kiera, the old middle-aged man, replied, "Someone from the Central district will be dispatched-a Honora family servant like myself. Perhaps not a Draven, but you can verify their credibility by requesting the Honora family identification token they carry."

"Very well, then. I hope this individual will arrive promptly. As for this brat, we will provide a temporary identification badge. Once the servant arrives and completes the immigration process to this city, you will receive an official identification badge," the soldier responded nonchalantly, his attention focused on the tablet before him.

"Thank you for your assistance," Xinadra expressed gratitude, bowing slightly. He then turned, gently tugging Kiera's hand, and they walked away.

"Hey, old man, does this mean... I am now a resident within these walls?" Xinadra asked with a hint of sarcasm.

With a wry smile, Kiera replied, "Don't get too carried away, young one. This is just the beginning. Merely having the status of being under the protection of the Honora family and possessing a temporary identification badge does not guarantee full acceptance."

"Whether you are truly accepted and can withstand the challenges that lie ahead is a different story. Are you truly thrilled to be within these walls?" Kiera asked, his smile lingering.

"Thrilled? On the day I lost everything? Let's be realistic," Xinadra responded honestly.

"On the contrary... I... I hope my mother could witness the beauty of the city within these walls-a legend that has always captivated the people of Gantz."

"Or perhaps my sister... maybe she would still be alive if I had managed to save her from the ruins..."

Xinadra's face grew even more somber as he continued to speak. The two of them traversed the inner part of the city's protective wall, making their way towards the entrance gate through several corridors, skillfully avoiding the bustling activities of heavy machinery and humans focused on defending the city from the relentless scourge attacks that remained unresolved.

"Finally... I am utterly exhausted. For people like us... shedding tears is a luxury. We incessantly lose something each day. Grief has become our daily sustenance. There is no time to mourn, as every day, much like today, is a day of mourning for the people of Gantz."

The inner gate leading into the city gradually swung open wider, emanating a blinding light from within. A refreshing, cool breeze, untainted by pollution and miasma, tenderly caressed Xinadra's skin and filled his nostrils like a cherished companion.

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