The Organization

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Xin emerged from the changing room after cleaning himself, his wounds still not healed and some still gaping.

It made him wince a few times during his shower. He hadn't rested at all since he was first brought into the city, and the night was getting late.

Xin was now wearing a black robe with a hood, similar to what the people waiting in the large hall were wearing. The entire room was underground, lit only by moonlight or perhaps sunlight during the day.

Xin walked slowly, his young body screaming for rest.

But as soon as he saw Kiera standing with the hooded people, he knew he might be late or even not sleep tonight.

Xin stood hesitantly and awkwardly as people's gazes turned to him.

Kiera was the first to praise him, "Good job, boy. The young lady will be here soon. Before that, let me introduce you to the other members of the organization while we wait for her."

Kiera, the middle-aged man, began pointing towards the hooded figures sitting in a line on the far right side.

"This is Ash Nightshade, she's our youngest member, about two years younger than you."

A short girl opened her black hood. She had slightly sunburned white skin, curly shoulder-length hair tied in a ponytail, and her cute face indicated that she had just entered puberty.

"The second one next to her is-"

A handsome young man with dark skin and red pupils interrupted Kiera, "Max Scarlett, pleased to meet you..."

Xin bowed, "Xinadra Scotia, or Xin for short. I look forward to your assistance."

Max also bowed and smiled, "Thank you, Xin."

Kiera continued, "Ahem, well, you should introduce yourselves in order, please."

Hearing Kiera's command, the others began to open their black hoods and introduce themselves.

In total, there were ten members of the hooded figures who introduced themselves. Including the first two.

In accordance with the order, they were Ash Nightshade and Max Scarlett.

Then came Luna Vex, a young woman of ethereal beauty, her skin as white as porcelain, her age mirroring that of the young lady and Xin. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her back, and her stature was impressively tall.

Next was Kai Noir, a man who had left his teenage years behind, his age hovering around the mid-twenties. His skin was a shade darker than Xin's, his face intriguing with neatly arranged shoulder-length hair, and his physique robust, almost rivaling the middle-aged Kiera.

Evander Nocturne was a man who seemed to be of the same age or perhaps older than Kai. He sported a thick beard and mustache, his nose sharp, eyes narrow. His skin was a light brown, akin to Xin's, his hair neatly cropped and black. He wore glasses, exuding an air of erudition.

Nika Vale was a woman of captivating beauty, her skin a warm tan, her hair straight and shoulder-length. She seemed to be of the same age as Evander and Kai, perhaps slightly older, on the brink of her thirties. Her body was tall and robust, her eyes a striking blue, her eyebrows thick. Her nose was sharp, and her curves were enticing. She was a seductive, mature woman.

Jace Ember was an elderly woman, her face lined with wrinkles, yet she retained a certain beauty. Her skin was a light brown, her hair white and streaked with gray, much like Kiera's, perhaps even older than the middle-aged man. Her body was slightly hunched, her figure thin. Wisdom radiated from her melancholic eyes.

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