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Clang! Clang!

Rizzya parried two strikes from Rey's short swords. However, due to extreme fatigue, she could no longer parry perfectly, resulting in her mouth being cut, reaching her left jaw.


Pain and heat surged through her. The bitter taste of blood on her tongue worsened as the metallic and pungent smell of her own blood mixed and filled her nostrils.


Rizzya, devoid of strength, collapsed and knelt on the grass. With agility, Rey swiftly kicked her in the stomach, causing her to be thrown against the wooden dome that had trapped them both inside, which had made her unable to escape and was forced to fight until the last drop of blood.

With a confident and cruel smile, Rey leisurely approached the battered and fallen Rizzya, who  landed headfirst, colliding with the unforgiving rocks and soil.

With a spirit that still burned within her, Rizzya attempted to drink the energy-recovery elixir she had managed to retrieve from her back pocket before being kicked by Rey. She hoped it would help her survive after losing so much blood during the battle.

Not a single part of her body was untouched by cuts and stabs. She had fought throughout the night, but inside this wooden dome, she had no idea if morning had arrived. All she knew was that if even this elixir couldn't save her, then suicide was the only way out.

As her unbroken left hand reached for the vial, Rey suddenly threw his short sword, piercing directly through Rizzya's palm and causing blood to splatter onto her face.


Her scream echoed through the air, as Rizzya spilled the last remaining vial she had to survive.

She then hurriedly initiated the supernova protocol. With the last traces of energy in her body, she injected it all into an explosive device.

This device contained a massive, tightly compressed cluster of supercharged energy, highly unstable, that just a slight jolt of energy, could make it detonate right away. And the nature of the explosion depended on the type of energy injected by the donor.

Bright light began to shimmer intensely in the area of Rizzya's abdomen. The light was so scorching hot that it turned the surrounding ground red and set the grass ablaze. Even the rocks melted, resembling a star on the verge of exploding.

Slyly, Rey grabbed a knife emitting an aura of miasmic smoke, tinged with a wicked purple hue.

Rey once again swiftly kicked Rizzya, causing her to fall backward. His foot, scorching hot, made contact with Rizzya's body, searing his flesh to a charred black. Rey then pressed a button on the knife handle, and the poisonous blade shot towards the impending explosion of light.


The sound of shattering crystals and clashing metal reverberated.

Rizzya, witnessing the scene, couldn't contain the horror that appeared on her face.

Rey smirked lewdly towards Rizzya's partially exposed groin.

"I'm grateful that cockroach brought two knives that come in handy. Although not very effective against strong enemies, they are perfect for the weak and weary. It allows me to savor the suffering of a whore like you."

Rey uttered, revealing the remaining knife handle.

"Perfect for a cockroach, the weapon of cowards."

Rey's grin widened, forming a wicked smile.

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