Secret Battles

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Rizzya exclaimed, "That... is Vox Occulta."

Upon hearing all this, Xin swallowed hard.

He had thought that if he entered the walls, his fate would no longer be in his hands.

And it still turned out to be true.

Rizzya turned to Jace and ordered the elderly woman, "Teach this boy to read. I want him to be able to blend in with the society within the walls as soon as possible."

"And for that, Kiera, you must help him too. Carry out my previous orders. We will gather again if there is something important, as usual. Besides that, don't forget that we must not be seen and we must remain hidden."

Xin listened attentively.

Suddenly, Ash raised her hand, "May I ask a question, young lady?"

Rizzya nodded.

"I believe you're aware that your residence's guard seems to have started sniffing around, suspecting that your villa has been our base for the past few months. Are you going to let it as is?" Ash asked.

Rizzya smirked

"You don't need to worry, Ash,"

Rizzya replied, then she turned to Kiera,

"I hope you keep your behavior in check, old man. You already knew that Ezreal plans to bring you down by reporting your suspicious behavior and movements to the core family in the inner district."

Kiera swallowed, cold sweat trickling down his face, "I promise I will make him disappear if he crosses the line, my lady," Kiera responded.

Then Rizzya turned to Xin,
"And Xin, learn from Kiera because you will also be placed and live in this house as a courier.

There are many groups and factions in the Honora family.

You must be careful because some of them are government watchdogs and henchmen of the noble clans, both from Honora itself and other noble clans. They usually plant spies and elbow each other for power.
This is common here, and you must get used to it."

"Do you have any other questions?" Rizzya asked again.

Xin shyly raised his hand, "Umm,  young lady, I heard from old man Kiera that I will be made a Draven, is that still true?"

Rizzya looked at Kiera, and then back at Xin, "You need to learn to read first, and you need to read a lot, in depth.

You must understand the history and relationships between the clans in this city, how this city was formed, and what important things are related to the survival of mankind.

We are not just playing house here, our mission is clear and our cause is just.

Thus, you must have a broad and deep basic knowledge, so that you can interact and act accordingly with your surroundings."

Rizzya paused for a second,

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, this is your official identity card.

With my authority, I allow you to keep your last name. You will have an official status as a temporary contract worker at the Honora residence.

Once you are accustomed and able to blend in, I will help awaken your potential power and ask you to be sent to the academy with me as my personal servant and a student sponsored by the Honora family.
I want you to work very, very hard, and don't you dare disappoint me," Rizzya finished explaining.

Xin wondered, how a lady like her could join and lead a rebel group like this.

What event or circumstance led someone who seemingly had everything, to align herself with individuals who had a tarnished history with the noble clans and the city's government?

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