Reluctant Peace

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The dust cloud and debris began to settle, revealing the figure of Rey, battered and broken but miraculously still alive.

A giant shadowy demon figure cradled Rizzya in its right hand, swiftly plunging a sword into the ground with its left hand. Suddenly, a silk blanket emerged from its large black palm. The shadowy demon giant draped the blanket over Rizzya's exposed body.

Kiera, the middle-aged man inside the shadowy demon, growled fiercely.

"I must cut off that bastard's little sparrow. How dare he defile the young lady!"

Carefully, he lowered Rizzya onto a tall, sturdy tree branch beside him. He activated a protective device that enveloped Rizzya's sleeping body in a plasma barrier.

Rey felt death approaching. He quickly tried to activate his communication device, but both his equipment and weapons were reduced to rubble.

"Oi," a deep guttural voice echoed, as if comming from the depths of a well.

"I don't care if that bastard Slyvanor kills me later. But you must pay for your sins."

Rey, overcome with fear, watched as death took slow steps, causing the earth and soil around him to tremble with each footfall.

Rey struggled to maintain his composure, suppressing his terror. He began to sweat profusely, his cold sweat turning red, mingling with the flowing blood.

he even vomited fresh blood.

And to make matters worse, he also wet his pants.

As the angel of death swung the giant black scythe above his head, Rey, seized by convulsions, closed his eyes. And a moment later...


The sound of crushed flesh and broken metal echoed.

Blood, bone fragments, and entrails splattered Rey's body.

"Stop!!! Stop this!"

Rey, hearing the shouts and footsteps of many people running towards him, mustered the courage to open his eyes.

"Huh..." he sighed in relief.

He thought to himself, "I am indeed the chosen one. It is impossible for someone like me to die in vain here. I should be the king of this city!"

With narcissistic ego soaring high, Rey smiled at the others. His face smeared with blood and piles of entrails. He didn't care how many people died for him. As long as they could be useful, it didn't matter.

In his mind, their lives were not worth the same as his own. His life was far more valuable and meaningful than those lowly people outside the seven families. And he, the most exceptional among the exceptional, the chosen one among the chosen ones, was worth more than all of them combined.

"And that whore... How dare she refuse to surrender everything to me."

He was the heir of Sovereign Slyvanor, the guardian and protector, the newly appointed god of this city.

"That whore should have served me if she wanted to stay alive. Doesn't she realize that Sovereign Honora is too old to remain on the throne?"

Rey's grandiose daydreams were interrupted when he heard the approaching voices shouting about a giant shadow demon that had nearly taken his life.

"We come on the orders of Sovereign Slyvanor and Sovereign Honora! So restrain yourself and listen to us!"

Rey recognized the people. They were wearing Slyvanor uniforms. If they weren't from the family, they must be servants, he thought to himself.

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