Tainted Legacy

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With trembling hands, Xin opened the rigid grip and took the piece of paper. On it was written:

"Jace, head of the Ember family. If you want your grandson to live, cooperate with the Storm spies and fulfill your mission. Find a message from the Honora family courier inside a black cube.

If you fail, erase all traces of your existence and take your own life. If you are caught, claim that the Storm sent you. Shall our name is revealed, it will be your grandson who pays the price. Burn this message.


Reading it made Xin very angry.

"The person who uses me is also being used."

Desperation makes people irrational and believe that those who exploit them will truly fulfill their promises. Especially among the nobility. They will make sure not to leave anything that could bite them in the future. Even though Jace managed to kill Xin,

"These damn bastards will still kill her grandson." That was Xin's greatest concern. Yet, Xin could empathize with Jace's position. If he were in Jace's shoes, Xin would have done the same. Even though he knew it would be an arduous task to save Jace's grandson.

The old woman's predicament mirrored Xin's current state, with one crucial difference: Jace still had a lifeline to cling to, while Xin did not.

For Xin, vengeance was the sole driving force. Just as Kiera had meticulously planned. After exacting revenge, Xin might choose to dedicate his life to protecting Gantz, or contemplate doing suicide.

One thing was certain: until the corrupt system that not only claimed the lives of his father but also his mother and sister was dismantled, Xin would not rest. And he will survive. Reach the peak and settle the score with those nobles, even if he has to fight the Seven.

"I need to get out of here immediately," Xin thought hastily.

With urgency, he tried to reach the prison bars where the late Jace had entered earlier.

Before he could open the dark prison door, a shadowy figure emerged from the floor, standing directly in his path.

Xin knew who it was. Even before the shadow solidified into flesh and skin, forming the middle-aged man he knew all too well, Kiera.

"So, is this part of the plan you mentioned when we first met, old man?" Xin sneered bitterly, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Disappointment and suspicion marred Xin's face. He no longer cared about Kiera's promises and teachings about his revenge plan against the noble clans.

Kiera just stared blankly at Xin's bloodied face, bruised from the fight, and his wounds still not fully healed. Exhausted and feeling incredibly weak, Xin was on the verge of passing out.

A fleeting expression of pity and regret escaped from Kiera's impassive face. Xin felt disgusted by it, having had enough of being pitied by the cruel and despicable people within the city walls. Then, unexpectedly, the middle-aged man spoke softly.

"Do you understand now, boy?"

Caught off guard and not understanding Kiera's words, Xin vomited and tried to punch Kiera right in the face.

Kiera remained silent, neither dodging nor retaliating. Surprisingly, Xin's punch was strong enough to instantly dislocate Kiera's lower jaw. However, it healed and reconnected quickly.

Exhausted and drained of all his energy, Xin slumped after exerting his last bit of strength to hit Kiera as hard as he could.

"Are you calm now?" Kiera asked softly, his gaze serious this time.

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