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Xin and Kiera prepared themselves at the Honora branch residence. They tidied up, cleaned themselves, and tended to their wounds, trying to conceal Xin's still healing injury. They even spent some time leisurely having breakfast together.

The discussion they had while walking down the hallway earlier remained untouched. It seemed that any mention or discussion related to the Void Seekers was considered taboo.

And it was this very fact that made Xin even more curious. He knew that the Seekers of the Void were often talked about by the figure of the mother who appeared when he fainted unconscious twice. There was also something strange about the concept of the Keeper of The Will, a term always mentioned alongside the words Seeker of the Void by the figure who transformed into his mother.

As they were almost finished with breakfast, when Xin started arranging his spoon and fork according to the dining etiquette taught to him by Jace, the late old woman.

Xin, unable to resist his curiosity, timidly and fearfully began the discussion.

"Ummm, old man, do you know...who is the Keeper of the Will?" he asked hesitantly and with a hint of pressure in his voice.

Kiera suddenly stopped his half-eaten spoonful of food, lowered it, and looked at Xin in astonishment. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"What did you say?"

Xin, feeling uncomfortable, realized that this discussion was just as taboo as the Void Seekers.

"The Keeper of the you know who they are?"

Kiera stared at Xin for a while, his eyebrows furrowed, thinking hard about what answer he could give.

But before he decided to unveil the truth to Xin, the middle-aged old man decided to put an end to this conversation. Besides, they were already running very late.

"Hahhhh...listen, kid, the Void Seekers...and the guardians of the will, never mention them in front of the nobles. Or anyone who has received an education at the academy."

Xin, growing more confused, stared blankly as his curiosity was met with another sense of curiosity.


Kiera focused back on his spoon and food, quickly chewing and finishing his breakfast.

After wiping his mouth with a piece of white linen cloth, Kiera stood up and looked at Xin with uncertainty.

"You could be hunted down by the nobles and the Seven. Even Honora itself. That's why you shouldn't even discuss this in front of young lady Rizzya. Understand?"

Xin, who was observing, could only nod. It wasn't that he understood the meaning behind Kiera's words, but because he knew he wouldn't get any answers from the old man he had breakfast with.

Kiera, realizing Xin's disappointment on his face, let out a long sigh and said,

"There are times when curiosity can kill you, my child. Not everything can be known, no matter the reason. But even if you insist, it's not just you who will be affected, but also the people around you. So think about the price that must be paid before you do anything. Not just for yourself, but also for those around you."

Kiera then turned around and prepared to leave.

"And if you really want to know about it, you can study it at the academy. Of course, what you will learn will only scratch the surface. If you truly want to know the have to deal with the consequences. Information about those two individuals is in the forbidden library. It is recorded in the heavily guarded and locked Forbidden Codex by the staff and professors from the Seven Families."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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