My Lady

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Kiera quickly turned away, unconcerned, and instructed Xin to follow him.
"We should go in now. The young lady is waiting for me."

Xin was led to enter through a magnificent mahogany door. The door opened without a single creak. Two house servants greeted them.

They were dressed in neat and elegant servant attire, welcoming them in.

They passed through the residence's lobby and entered a large corridor, where grand pillars and palace-like decorations adorned the left and right sides.

The marble floor and ceiling reflected the bright electric light illuminating their path.

Xin and Kiera passed several intersections, turning into a bend that led them to the central courtyard of the large villa.

The sound of trickling water could be heard in the distance, and a flower garden along with a large fountain made of andesite stone greeted them.

There, a teenage girl about Xin's age was practicing shooting.

She was sweating, holding onto the barrel of a very heavy weapon and dealing with the intense recoil coming from the firearm she was holding.

Xin couldn't take his eyes off her.

The girl had hair as white as snow, eyes as clear as the sky, and a face as beautiful as a lily.

Despite the girl's appearance, and her surroundings giving off the aura of a princess and a palace, The girl was wearing tactical combat clothing, indicating that she was there training as a soldier.

Or a Draven, Xin didn't know which.

What was certain, seeing the very large weapon she was carrying and how heavy the recoil of the weapon she was holding appeared,

Xin knew that the girl, who seemed to be his age standing in front of him now,

Was not someone he should offend,

At least not until he knew whether this girl could tolerate his typical Gantz resident's rough behavior.

The middle-aged man, Kiera, approached the beautiful girl and cleared his throat to greet her.

"Ahem, my young lady, I have returned. I apologize for being late."

The young lady continued shooting and didn't turn to respond to Kiera for a minute.

Only when her weapon's cartridge was empty did the girl stop and reply,

"I didn't expect you to return so soon, Kiera."

Kiera then bowed and bent his body.

"I apologize once again, my young lady. Because the situation in Gantz is still unresolved, even when I returned to the wall, I had difficulty finding my target to complete the mission. Please forgive me."

The middle-aged man, Kiera, began to bow deeper.

"Don't worry, I just got word that the Scourge attack has been dealt with."

The young lady replied while cleaning her weapon.

Xin, who could only stand awkwardly silent, not knowing what to do, stood quietly behind Kiera.

"Is that so? I'm relieved then."

Kiera said, standing up straight again. He felt relieved hearing that the refugees he had left at the gate were safe.

However, the young lady coldly and indifferently replied,

"They were able to handle it when the Scourge were busy preying on the refugees gathered in front of the wall. The wall's guard soldiers used neutron bombs to wipe out those monsters in one fell swoop."

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