The Path

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"Welcome to Honora Residence, Xin. Here, the law of the jungle is far more brutal than what exists beyond the Walls."

Both Ezreal and Kiera exchanged blows, their movements incredibly swift. Xin struggled to keep up with their rapid pace.

The guard's hand, Ezreal's, shattered into fragments. Cracks appeared on his hand and arm, as if something was about to explode from within. Bright red flames licked the guard's entire body.

And the heat, felt even from where Xin landed after being thrown far away, blazed from the spreading cracks on Ezreal's body.

"You filthy blood, you who were born from a mud puddle have no place here!"

Ezreal approached Kiera in the blink of an eye.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Punches and fiery kicks landed precisely on Kiera, who remained still.

'So fast,' Xin thought to himself.

"Kieraaaa!!" Xin screamed, he never imagined a human could possess such power.

Xin had heard about how a Draven fights. They were like demigod heroes who could fend off the Scourges that threatened human existence.

But he had never paid attention and directly witnessed how they actually fought.

Even before Kiera helped him, and all the chaos that occurred the last time he survived in the Gantz slum district, Xin could never follow what was really happening. The giant monsters were too big to be noticed from below, like an ant looking at a human.

They, the ants, would never understand how humans move. The same goes for the Dravens.

Even though they were the same size, the Dravens had surpassed humanity.

'I never knew it would be this chaotic!'

Xin tried to retreat, he knew if he got involved in a battle like this, he would die instantly.

Dust and debris from the streets shot up and sprayed into the air. Explosion after explosion destroyed all the facilities in the courtyard and on the streets of the luxurious residential area.

Xin was sweating. He felt as if the sun was right in front of his face.

He looked to the right and left, seeing crowds of people and vehicles starting to gather where he stood.

Witnessing a rare battle, especially in residential and noble farmland areas that are usually peaceful and very safe.

"What is actually happening?"

An old woman asked.

"What was that? What was that explosion?"

An old man looked panicked while carrying his child.

"Why is it so hot? Is there a fire?"

A young girl asked.

""Aaahh!! Over there! Look!"

Someone pointed towards the swirling smoke and dust. Streaks of red and orange shone from within the dark ash carried by the wind.

Xin followed the direction of the pointed finger.


The figure of Ezreal, the Draven guard, appeared frozen, unable to move. Right in front of him, where previously it was faint and hard to discern, was a colossal black hand.

The fiery punch of the Draven guard was halted mid-air, blocked by the giant black hand.


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