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A mysterious figure attempted to open a door.


The handle turned, and despite the worn hinges, the figure confidently stepped inside without hesitation.

With determination, they slipped in and quickly closed the room from the outside. There were no windows, only thick concrete walls surrounding them. The mysterious figure intentionally disregarded the lights, as they were accustomed and trained to adapt to darkness.

The room was quite empty, with only a bed and a small drawer beside it.

And there was a figure peacefully sleeping on it.

Swiftly, the mysterious figure brought their hands together.

Before long, a red laser beam, as long as an adult's arm, illuminated the room with a terrifying red glow.

The figure then stood beside the bed, revealing a body covered in bandages and bruises, helpless on a simple white mattress. As the mysterious figure raised their plasma sword, preparing to strike the sleeping figure, the red light revealed a black-haired, dark-skinned teenager.

With a bitter smile, the mysterious figure sneered.

"Thanks to this little bastard... thanks to you, that damn Nova is dead. But we should have killed you right away."

Meanwhile, a few minutes earlier, Kiera, the middle-aged man, arrived at the top floor of the city wall. He quickly entered through one of the escalators, with no obstacles in his path.

No ordinary human could leap from a tree below to the top floor of the wall in a single breath. The soldiers and Draven who witnessed Kiera's actions were well aware of that.

When he was questioned by one of the Draven guards about his identity and the purpose of his visit, Kiera promptly showed his titanium-colored Honora family insignia and inquired about the whereabouts of the individual suspected to be an illegal Draven, as mentioned in the previous report.

As he stepped off the escalator, his electronic gadget suddenly rang, displaying Rizzya's contact. Kiera immediately answered the call.

"Young miss, how may I assist you?"

In a flat tone, the voice of the melancholic teenage girl could be heard.

"Did you receive a special mission from grandfather?"

Nervously, Kiera fell silent. He had many secrets that he kept, but he was not a liar, and he had no intention of becoming one now. That's why when asked about the secret matter, he chose to remain silent, even if it meant facing death.

Rizzya, realizing the loyal old man's habit, continued.

"Don't worry, I know you were asked to search for Xin discreetly."

"Young miss... are you alright? Please forgive this servant for leaving without bidding farewell-"

Rizzya immediately interrupted.

"I understand it was grandfather's order. I didn't call you for that. There's a message I want to convey to you. Do you remember the poison-infused shooting knife created by Xin with Jace's assistance?"

"Yes, young miss. It was designed by Xin himself. He's quite talented in that aspect, even though he was taught weapon-crafting by Jace for less than a month."

Swallowing his saliva, Kiera confirmed, "What about it, young miss?"

With both eyebrows raised and sharp, wide-eyed gaze, Kiera quickly asked. His slow, steady steps suddenly stumbled and came to a halt. His face turned serious.

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