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Alert! Alert! Projectile incoming!

That was the warning echoing from what remained of her battle suit.


Explosion occured from the impact between large titanium bullet and its target.

Ashes and debris rised high to the sky.

Thankfully, Rizzya managed to survive thanks to her tattered suit. With last bit of energy, her battle suit automatically activated its plasma shield barrier.

"Damn it!" she screamed to herself.

Rey, who had previously leaped towards Rizzya, also survived but was thrown far away. Confused by the actions of someone who are supposedly should have helped him.

"Nyx! You damn bastard! Son of bitch!"

With the billowing dust, no one could move. Only the sniper could calmly aim his infrared scope.


The sound of heavy weapon fire.

Rizzya, still silent, pondered and tried to understand what was really happening.

"Did Nyx really just... attack me?"

The large projectile bullet had targeted her precisely, causing the plasma shield to deplete the last remaining drops of power stored in her suit.

While biting her lower lip and holding her ground, Rizzya tried to rise and evade. Despite being an enhanced human Draven, it was impossible for her to dodge the precision rifle that could shoot bullets at Mach 10 speed.

She had to move quickly and take the initiative.

Rizzya discarded her previously depleted sniper rifle and began reloading her automatic secondary weapon.

Plasma gun activated!

Auto-targeting system activated!

The sound of her loaded gun echoed as she aimed it at Rey.


The rapid gunfire resounded.

The lecherous man, instead of being intimidated, laughed with delight. He pulled out his own assault rifle and evaded all four shots from Rizzya.

He was lucky that the first and second shots only grazed his fingers and ear, leaving behind dried blood and a burnt smell.

Laughing maniacally, he shouted, "Huahuahuaha! The more you resist, the more I want to dominate you, you whore!"

"Why don't you just become my wife? We can resolve our conflicts peacefully, in bed! We can avoid this war! And this city will be in our hands. United on the bed! No one will dare to oppose us! Come here. Let go of your hatred. We can forgive each other. I will forget all your past actions towards me, and I will satisfy your desires!"

Rizzya, with her battered body, continued to leap around, fighting against the sniper's bullets from a distance, as well as Rey's assault rifle from close range.

If it weren't for her above-average energy capacity and rigorous training, Rizzya would have fallen long ago.

But Rey still had many tricks up his sleeve.

Carnivorous-plant seeds, reload!

Auto-gyro activation!

The sound of Rey's assault weapon systematically changing its munition.

Wherever the bullets from Rey's assault rifle pierced through, fast-growing roots would emerge and touch anything in their path. Anything that came into contact with these roots would wither and die. The ground turned barren, large rocks shattered into pieces, and even the grass and trees met their demise. Any small or large creatures that were caught by the roots would be absorbed.

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