The City 2

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"And as fate would have it, She... also happens to be the revered leader of the organization under whose umbrella we shall operate," Kiera revealed, casting Xin into a state of increasing bewilderment and curiosity.

Xin couldn't help but wonder about the true intentions of the enigmatic Kiera. What did he mean by all of this?

"You told me that I would become a draven, unbound by any noble lineage, even unbound by the constraints of the law. You know, even in Gantz, no one can act with complete impunity, even in the absence of soldiers," Xin voiced his doubts, his gaze fixed ahead as they continued their stride. Kiera, the seasoned old man, remained steadfastly at his side.

Doubt began to creep into Xin's mind. How could things be any different here? Especially with the omnipresent surveillance devices, the ever-vigilant soldiers, and the formidable dravens. No matter how influential the Honora family may be, surely they couldn't defy the laws of the land? And in the end, Xin knew he would remain steadfast in his loyalty to his young mistress.

Turning to Kiera, Xin sought clarification, "Oh, but you're mistaken, gravely mistaken... Here? The law does not derive from collective agreements. It is the very embodiment of the desires of the two sovereigns, one of whom happens to be a member and the esteemed leader of the Honora family."

Kiera's voice resonated with conviction as he continued, "Furthermore, our organization stands as the sole sanctuary where every member dutifully adheres to the law. A law that is collectively agreed upon, encompassing not only the principles of our organization but also the very essence of justice. It is a sanctuary untainted by the insatiable greed of the sovereigns and the malevolence of the noble families."

Kiera's mischievous smile hinted at the clandestine nature of their operations. Xin found himself utterly astounded by the revelation. He had never fathomed the existence of such a resistance, concealed within the very walls that surrounded them.

"So, even though our leader bears the title of a Honora princess, she herself remains powerless without the consent of her fellow members," Xin mused, his eyes searching for answers.

Meeting Xin's gaze with a solemn expression, Kiera's voice resonated with an air of mystery, "The ultimate purpose of our organization shall be unveiled in due time. Detailed explanations will be unveiled when the circumstances are ripe."

As they neared the outskirts of the outer district, Kiera halted abruptly, fixing his sharp gaze upon Xin. The young teenager couldn't help but feel a knot tighten in his stomach.

"Remember my earlier warning? This serves as yet another reminder. Never, under any circumstances, discuss these matters in public spaces. Such conversations are reserved solely for fellow members," Kiera cautioned, his words laced with a sense of urgency.

With both hands firmly grasping Xin's shoulders, Kiera imparted his wisdom, his voice brimming with authority, "Listen closely, my young apprentice. You shall be taught the art of discerning whether your interlocutor is one of our own. But that discussion shall be reserved for a later time, when we have arrived at our destination. For now, you must immerse yourself in the customs, etiquette, and laws that govern within these walls. Blend in seamlessly, even in the face of scorn and rejection. Never falter, and never divulge the origins and inner workings of our organization unless you are certain of their allegiance. Do you understand?!"

Xin nodded, his gaze locked with Kiera's unwavering stare. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him.

Pressing forward, they ventured into the first district, where a bustling sea of soldiers and military vehicles dominated the landscape. A few civilians meandered amidst the commotion, but they were a rare sight indeed. Most were the families of soldiers, compelled to sacrifice their loved ones to serve in the armed forces. For those families without a draven, their only recourse to reside within the fortified walls was to offer up an outcast, implanted with a chip and transformed into a soldier.

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