Clash of Clans

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Xin felt pulled out of emptiness. The darkness that enveloped him seemed to vanish with the dim light adorning the toxic yellow air, tinged with the scent of sulfur and mixed with the purple miasma.

His body felt a stinging sensation, as if bathing in molten iron. He never expected that he would actually survive. Thank you for his hard work during the month of training and preparing tricks that he had prepared since he learned he was about facing the Dravens.

However, he did not expect that before he could unleash all his cunning tricks, he was easily cornered. Despite learning various things and knowledge from Jace to overcome easy but crucial mission obstacles, he could only survive for a month.

No matter how hard they trained, those who have not undergone the awakening process, the activation of the life chain code, at the academy, will never be able to fight against a Draven, even if they are only at the level of an enhanced human.

Xin suddenly felt a deep sense of anguish and let out a piercing scream, as if the nails on his left and right hands were being forcefully pulled and ripped out by two iron tongs, attempting to forcibly remove his nails. His eyes welled up with tears.

Xin knew that he had failed to escape. Despite nearly losing his life and sacrificing everything he owned, it remained incredibly difficult to evade the Dravens. Especially this time, he had been ambushed from three directions by three Dravens.

Xin only just realized that he couldn't move or feel his legs, and a numbing, painful sensation spread through both of them. His legs had been firmly impaled by large metal spikes that penetrated from his ankles to the soles of his feet. The crunching sound of dried blood crusts felt uncomfortable, mixed with a sense of dread.

In the dimmest of lights and with a tightness in his chest, Xin heard a voice that he had despised for so long. At least since he had been living in Honora's residence.

There stood Ezreal, the wretched servant, with toxic dark purple wounds emitting a miasma of smoke, spreading from his shoulder. His upper body was exposed, and he chuckled and sneered in front of Xin, who sat helplessly bound on a wooden chair, resigned to his fate.

Ezreal approached with a sinister expression on his face, a sour smile forming on his lips. He spoke with a cruel tone, saying,

"Hey, cockroach. You're still alive, huh? Haha."

Xin let out a growl, his voice strained and damaged from inhaling the toxic miasma from his own bomb.


With a twisted expression of delight, Ezreal spoke with a sinister tone.

"You rat's sperm should have died outside these walls. At least you could have perished slowly without my torment. Tsk tsk. Unfortunately, even though I have a strong desire to kill you right now, circumstances force me to do this. Don't misunderstand, I despise and loathe you. But I never intended to inflict harm upon you, even after all that you've done. You've made my missions and life more difficult, poisoning me with the polluted air of your dwelling. Still, I am reluctant to harm you. Witness this! I am a kind and forgiving person! So, with my unparalleled forgiveness, I am willing to give you a chance... between two options..."

With a devilish smile, Ezreal brought the heated iron poker closer to Xin's nose.

"Do you want to die quickly... or should I flay you alive... Oh, don't worry. I have a potent potion and elixir that can keep you alive. Even if only a strand of muscle and a skull remain from your body... hehe."

Xin struggled to speak, his tongue and mouth dry as if he had licked a flame.

"Whhhaaat... dddoo... yyyouuu... waaannt?" (What do you want?)

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