Deceit 2

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"Hohhh... not pleased to meet you, sewer rat," Yiram sarcastically remarked.

Kiera, unwilling to engage in an argument, simply bowed respectfully in silence and walked away. He didn't want to bother himself with this despicable person.

Feeling ignored, Yiram exploded in anger and shouted, "Hey! You piece of trash! I'm talking to you, you dog!"

But Kiera didn't stop and continued walking calmly, even picking up his pace.

With the deep-seated feeling of inferiority that had been ingrained in Yiram's heart, he felt that it was all because he was born as the second child. No one in his father's palace cared or respected him. This sense of inferiority had plagued him since childhood.

"Yiram! Stop! Watch your mouth!" his father's voice, cold and menacing, echoed without raising his voice. His voice alone was enough to make some furniture in the Honora residence crack.

"I ordered him to leave immediately, so don't disturb him. If you came here just to cause trouble, I command you to leave my presence!"

Hearing his father's threat, ready to cast him aside at any moment, Yiram bowed deeply and apologized.

"I beg for your forgiveness, my lord," he said with an ugly, angry expression on his face, his brows furrowed in anger.

The giant golden doors were closed, simultaneously with the elevator doors that Kiera entered, slowly shutting.

It was a dark night.

Bzztt! Bbzzzt!

The sound of crackling radio communication filled the air. At the other end of the line, a young man's voice came through.

"This is Nyx, over."

Crack! Crack!

The sound of crackling echoed on the other end of the line.

"Storm here. Where are you?"

Nyx remained silent for a moment.

"I'm with the rest of our informants. Why?"

"Good. I wanted to know if there are any new orders or suspicious movements from the organization."

Nyx could be heard chatting briefly with someone, but the conversation seemed muffled and unclear, as if it was being shielded.

A moment later, Nyx spoke again.

"So far, there's nothing. How about the dim light?"

The voice on the other end chuckled.

"Huhuhuhu. Good enough. It seems like she won't regain consciousness for a few days."

Surprised and pleased, Nyx asked.

"Really? Awesome! Does that mean my mission is almost complete?"

The voice on the other end turned dejected.

"Oi, you dimwit. Did you forget? Your task is not just to help me get rid of the dim light. You also need to ensure that the organization run by that bitch falls into my hands. Do you understand now? Don't ever think your sister can escape from me easily. Heck, you even failed to kill the bitch."

Nyx sighed in frustration and muttered. "Come on. You know that if I get caught back then, informations about you could be exposed, and you could be punished by your own family, right? Even if I'm killed or dead, you will still be involved. Considering that all the information about the flow of slush funds and weapons that I have and use is under the false companies registered in your name."

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