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Inside the underground hall, Kiera and Rizzya walked towards the spot where Xin had first encountered the ten core members of Vox Occulta.

As they made their way through the dimly lit corridors, Kiera's mind was filled with memories of that day. He remembered the fear and uncertainty in Xin's eyes as he stood before the mysterious group, unaware of the destiny that awaited him.

Rizzya, on the other hand, was lost in her own thoughts. She couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as she approached the place. There was a sense of nostalgia, but also a lingering doubt that had been planted in her mind.

As they reached the entrance of the hall, Kiera paused for a moment, taking in the sight before him. The room was vast and filled with an air of secrecy. The walls were adorned with ancient symbols, and the floor was covered in intricate patterns

In front of him, Ash Nightshade, Max Scarlett, Luna Vex, Kai Noir, Evander Nocturne, Nika Vale, Jace Ember, Axel Ravenwood, and Nyx Storm were seated. They had all gathered, except for two individuals: Nova Dusk and Xin.

If everyone, including Kiera, Rizzya, and Xin, were present, the total number of core members of Vox Occulta would be thirteen. However, Kiera and Rizzya were usually not counted as part of the thirteen because they were the founders of the organization and had the authority to make decisions without seeking approval from anyone else.

The two of them had the autonomy to make decisions and take actions without involving the other members. They both understood that their choices came with consequences, but they were willing to bear them without relying on the rest of the group.

"Before we begin this emergency meeting..." Rizzya glanced to the side where Kiera was seated.

And in an instant, her sharp gaze locked onto Nyx. "You must pay for your sins!"

Without hesitation, Rizzya hurled a large, elongated pen that emitted a hot white light, extending two arm lengths.

The plasma saber flew swiftly towards Nyx, who agilely dodged and stumbled backward.

Though he didn't die, his shoulder was pierced by the laser end of the pen, leaving a tired wound that emitted the scent of burnt flesh.

As Nyx tried to regain his footing and stand up, a long, cold black katana pressed against his neck, causing fresh blood to spurt from his arteries onto the meeting table.

An aura of death emanated from behind him, and Nyx, knowing his life had come to an end, attempted a bitter, cynical smile towards them all.

"Heh, so the princess isn't that foolish."

Hearing his words, Rizzya leaped, causing the meeting table to shatter into pieces, with shards of wood, iron, and bolts flying in all directions, scratching the faces of some of them.

Rizzya, now standing in front of Nyx, fully unsheathed her plasma saber and stared at him with a furious, cynical gaze.

"Do you think my vision is blurred? Even though I've never fought against you, I know and remember every weapon that each of us possesses."

Hearing Rizzya's rant and being faced with two deadly weapons didn't make Nyx falter.

"Hahahaha, if that's the case, before this princess condemns me to death, can you explain to me how you know that it was me? Even though I've changed the bullets? I beg you to enlighten this lowlife, please enlighten me... hahaha."

Nyx laughed maniacally, as if possessed, finding all of this amusing and even ticklish. Kiera, who was behind him, pressed his katana against Nyx's neck, slicing through a third of it, causing Nyx to struggle to breathe as his windpipe was flooded with his own blood.

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