Chapter 2: The Odd Behavior

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//Chapter Warnings//:blood and violence

9 years later
Douma and you were both adults now and still had a close relationship and you couldn't have ever hoped for anything else except to continue this friendship .

"Y/N." douma called.
You walked into the room.
"Yes Douma?"
Douma stands up from him cushion throne and walks over to you. He towered over you. You hadn't done much growing since you met, sure maybe you grew a few inches but for the most part you were the same height.
"I'm gonna head out for a bit." he said while looking down at you.
"Are you gonna be fine here by yourself?" His soft smile that he always wore was shown.
You just nodded your head but you really didn't want him to go as a feeling inside you told you it was a bad idea.
"Yeah I'll be just fine Douma, don't worry about me" you returned a fake smile because that feeling was over whelming you.

Douma didn't think anything of your fake smile much but he kissed your forehead before walking past you to open the slide doors.

"I'll be back before sundown." he turned his head to look back at you.

"Do you promise?" Your head tilted with worry hidden behind your smile.

Douma nodded his head and walked over to you and held out his pinky.
"I promise."

You wrapped your pinky around his and that's when you knew he really would be back. He never broke his promises to you, so you never broke your promises to him.

"Hana could always keep you company while I'm gone you know." Douma smile stayed the same.

Hana was one of Doumas followers that you got along with fairly well.

" I will... I'll hang out with her" you hugged him tight. He hugged you back and your face was in his chest. He wasn't that muscular but he still had some sort of muscles and abs that you felt as your head was in his chest.
Douma held your head to keep your face in his chest as he fairly enjoyed the feeling. His chin lowered onto your head as he whispered to you. "I'll be back before you know it."
"I know you will" you said as your voice was muffled in his chest.

The hug broke and douma ruffled your hair before walking out the door.

Y/N's POV:
I didn't want douma to leave. We had been friends since we were kids and we hadn't ever been separated.

As I walked through the halls of the eternal Paradise faith temple, followers would wave to me and start up small conversations. I had become quite popular while living here, especially after always hanging out with Douma.

"Y/N" the voice you always knew and loved to here ... Well, beside Douma's voice.
You turned around to see the lady who was about your age with beautiful brown hair pulled back in a bun and her pale blue eyes that always stood out. You ran up and hugged her tightly before releasing her from your grip. "How are you? It's been a while since we talked."
"It really has hasn't it"
You smiles and nodded.

The two of you caught up with eachother. Laughing, talking, gossiping about things you heard around the temple.
"So how's Douma and you... You know your relationship?" Hana asked.
" Oh you know... Just the same as it's always been really, just the two of us best friends. "
Hana looked confused " friends... Just friends??? "
" Well yeah... We're just friends... "
Hana's eyes widen with shock to the news of just friends she always though something else. " Oh... "
" Oh gosh Hana don't tell me you thought we were together... " You rubbed the temples of your face as you said this.
Hana has a little embarrassed smile on her face and put her hand on the back of her neck. "What? Of course not!" She waved her hand towards you. You could easily tell she was lying and Hana knew your senses.
You were a literal lie detector.
"Ok but here me out... You two are always hanging out ... Even when people are praying to him and all that shit..."
Hana smirked.
" And don't forget about the fact that you two would be a cute couple... "
You blushed at her statment and all you did was turn your head away from her so she couldn't see.

Douma's pov:
As I walked in the village I thought about the certain person I always would, Y/N. The morning sun was up and I couldn't stop smiling at the thought of her. Why you may ask? Because Y/N reminded him of the sun.
The villagers looked in his direction, admiring his pure white hair and his eyes that marked his leadership to the eternal Paradise faith. Girls blushed over him and guys were jealous.
Everyone in the village was apart of the cult no matter who they were. Everyone knew his name. His fan swat open as he fluttered it to cool him down from the hot sun. Going into different shops for different things, he saw the book shop and went in to find a book for Y/N . 'She always loved to read' he thought to himself.
After picking up a few books he then went out for a walk in the woods he first met Y/N in... The forest she ran away from her trauma. The forest where he took her by his side and they became best friends. Y/N's mother tried to get in contact with Y/N but after she turned 12 and I was 14 she all of a sudden stopped. I never knew why until I found out she was murdered along with everyone else in the household. I never told Y/N because I knew even talking about her mother around her would trigger some soft of memories in her.

He walked past the house where he would pick her up from, sneaking out of the window to go to his place.

Y/N was 11 and I was 13. When I picked her up from the house the day after I hadn't seen her because of some important cult duties she was shaking... Every part of her body was trembling but she wouldn't say anything about it. Not even after two years of knowing her did she ever tell me exactly why she shook or anything... That's why I took her in.

Present time:
I ended up falling asleep against a tree and when I woke up I didn't see any light.
'OH SHIT!' he thought to himself.
'Y/N must be wondering where I am and I promised her I'd be back by sundown. SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! '
He slapped his forehead for his mistake... But he hit himself a bit too hard. "Ow!"

A strange presence appeared and Douma's eyes widened to see a man with short black curly hair and red eyes like a cats. In a deep voice the man said "why beat yourself up like that?... Is your life that pathetic... Does anyone even really care about you.. -"

Douma blurted out "Of course people care fo-"
"Who then..." The man's eyes were dangerous.
Douma had started to say Y/N's name but before he could finish the man hand stuck his hand right through Douma's head.
"My name ... Is muzan kibutsuji ... That question you tried answering was not meant to be answered... I'm turning you into a demon , you have no choice... I believe you'll be of some use... Your unique feature I've never seen before... And your emotionless brain makes you different from others... I have beliefs you'll concure the sun..."
Douma's eyes widened from the pain of muzan's blood coursing through his veins and as muzan's hand was pulled out from his head he immediately fell to his side clutching his body in pain.
"You... Douma... Will become stronger... You'll never speak of our encounter... If you do you'll be killed on the spot... Same way if you say my name... Stay out of the sun and kill and eat humans...
Douma couldn't concentrate well on Muzan's words from the pain but Douma was well certain of one thing

He was a demon.

Authors not

Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would love to here's your thoughts on the story and I'd also love to here your ideas. I will keep up with chapters as much as possible but with school that might get hard but I wish you well.

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